more than just solve problems and that in cludes fulfilling special requests for its cus tomers One exhibitor wanted 10 of our Kopenhagen sofas with castors for its stand at Cebit recalls Kiefer We made threaded holes in the sofas so we could attach remov able castors to them The ever shorter times available for stand construction and disman tling scarcely have an impact on the furniture rental companies The furniture is not re quired until the stand has been constructed That s three days before the start of the fair at the earliest and is easy to plan for logisti cally explains Kiefer We are the last ones to deliver to the stand And after the fair we are the first to collect www kiefer miet moebel de If something is required for a trade fair or event in another part of the world con tainer ships are used to take it to the destina tion port Plenty of time must be scheduled for this and a suitable company has to be found For the Olympic Games in Rio that company was Bilfinger ProfiMiet 100 000 items of furniture cutlery and kitchen buffet and other catering equipment were picked at the central warehouse in Cologne packed loaded into containers and transported to TradeFairs Internation al 5 2016 PRACTICE N E W S IELA stands for quality Its members are top in reliability among exhibition logistics companies and are remarkable for their dis tinguished quality and professional reputa tion To date the considerable growth of IELA which now registers over 180 partners is a clear sign of its success in becoming an even better regulating service tool in the industry This development trend sends a strong mes sage to IELA to focus its efforts more than ever on Operational Health Safety OH S Guidelines are the foundations for a safe working environment This factor is ex tremely important not only for the freight forwarders but for the venue providers and organisers IELA IAEE UFI and IFES pulled their resources together to collaborate their efforts for a safer industry At the IELA FORUM during the 31st IELA Congress in Dublin this summer the industry tackled these issues Cathy Breden IAEE So nia Thomas UFI Bruno Meissner IFES and Robert Moore IELA with the friendly sup port of security specialist Simon Garrett X Venture gave an insight into innovative se curity concepts for organisers venue providers and freight forwarders Several MOUs will guarantee a long lasting partner ship between all major players in the differ ent sectors of the event industry For the future OH S will continue to play an important role in the industry Ever growing technical breakthrough and global networks are going to open up new possibilities for a fast growing sector Logistics is the key for success whether a customer wants to exhib it in his home town or the other side of the earth One of the new and interesting chal lenges is the differences in national regula tions IELA is working on the compilation of firm OH S guidelines in compliance with its standards of performance for all members to follow These guidelines are aimed at being the minimum standards if local OH S guide lines are not strict enough There must be a collaboration confidence and partnership between all participants Or ganisers and exhibitors consult freight for warders about logistic aspects and IELA members will always answer in compliance with OH S guidelines It is our duty to guide organisers through unknown seas and roads That s what IELA does Contact elizabeth iela org Bremerhaven from where their journey to Rio began two weeks later Whether at the Maracanã Stadium or the national hospitality houses of many participating nations when it came to catering nothing went ahead without equipment from the warehouses in the city on the Rhine In recent years Bilfinger ProfiMiet has ac quired a great deal of experience of major events both within Germany and elsewhere including at FIFA World Cups EUFA Euro pean Championships and Champions League and German domestic cup finals Customers value the company s flexible additional serv ices We see ourselves as a full service part ner From the development of creative con cepts to the preparation and implementation of events and follow up work we provide everything from a single source emphasises managing director Benedikt Saul And to gether with our partner firm Bilfinger HSG Event Services we are also extending our range of services From exhibition stand con struction to the development of event furni ture and the construction of mobile large scale kitchens and canteens we now cover the entire range of services required for events large and small www profimiet bilfinger com JK In nahezu jeder erdenklichen Situation kann Kiefer Mietmöbel das passende Mobiliar bereitstellen Kiefer Mietmöbel can offer the right furniture for virtually any situation Ph ot o K ie fe r 90
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