T he order book at Korea s biggest event complex is currently looking very healthy By the end of December we will have hosted around 1 200 confer ences trade fairs and other events in 2016 forecasts Phil Chung director of convention marketing and global business development at Kintex That will give us a venue occu pancy rate of around 55 percent over 365 days Among the events contributing to this was the trade fair Last Mile Fulfilment LMF a partner project with SingEx which runs Singapore s largest trade fair centre This was the first time this e logistics and e distribution show was held Useful synergies were exploited by staging it in tandem with K Shop a retail industry trade fair and con ference focused on marketing technologies and shop design The recent Smart Cities In novation Summit Asia was another event co organised by Kintex in this case with US company TechConnect The company expects to continue on the same successful path in 2017 not least be cause Korea s economy is holding up well Next year we expect to achieve an occupan cy rate as high as around 60 percent fore casts Chung adding that this kind of rate is normally very difficult to achieve for venues of the size of Kintex Located in Goyang just outside Seoul the trade fair and convention complex has almost 110 000 square metres of indoor exhibition space There are great hopes for one of the largest food and packag ing trade fairs in Asia Seoul Food Previous ly the show has always been organised sole ly by Kotra Korea s trade and investment promotion agency But after several months of talks Kotra appointed us as co organiser of the event explains Chung We are now joint venture partners and co owners of this prestigious trade fair brand which will be held for the 35th time next year At Kintex they believe they can grow Seoul Food from its current 70 000 square metres of exhibition space to 100 000 through synergies with ad ditional related themes The conference segment is proving to be an engine of growth with possibly as many as 920 events this year thanks to the efforts of Phil Chung and his team We are expect ing growth of 4 to 5 percent in the number of conferences and meetings in 2017 says the Kintex director highlighting the potential Revenue and profit will also increase he emphasises Chung is confident the Korean MICE industry is recession proof and talks of millions of opportunities for international providers in particular in Korea German and US organisers are among those he is tar geting They can use our venue as a test bed in the comparatively young Korean growth market says Chung We offer ad vantageous pricing and collaborate on mar keting and there are plen ty of opportunities for joint ventures As the owner of the trade fair and conven tion centre Kintex can also offer stable conditions over the long term for joint ven tures With us you can quickly achieve stable rev enue flows and profits that are shared fairly www kintex com PB 84 TradeFairs Internation al 5 2016 INTERNATIONAL KOREA Good occupancy with further potential This year at Kintex will be the best in the company s history for events Things are likely to improve even further in 2017 Großes Interesse 2016 finden im Kintex rund 1 200 Konferenzen Messen und Events statt Great interest By the end of december Kintex will have hosted around 1 200 conferences trade fairs and events in 2016 Ph ot o K in te x
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