O ver ten years ago a new era started in the French capital Step by step the Venues in Paris converted to effi cient electrical distribution systems and detailed energy metering until 2010 En ergy consumption management is all too of ten shrouded in obscurity in our business says Christophe Thomas However our cus tomers and partners are increasingly aware of the topic Viparis operations director ex plains why his company had decided to ex plore completely new avenues Successful energy management requires precise con sumption measurement and limited energy loss he points out For this purpose the company had invested in terminals by Cube Technologies which is based near Lyon www viparis com The heart of the solution offered by Cube Technologies is its Keops Expo soft ware It combines conventional electrical components such as sockets and circuit breakers with smart functions These func tions include the control of power delivered electricity metering and automated data transfer says Jean Baptiste Deroche This is done via a control and supervision soft ware explains the director sales and busi ness development for Cube Technologies Germany in Frankfurt He knows the advan tages of the exhibition solution Orders are processed in real time and the power deliv ered to exhibitors can be calibrated to their needs at any time In addition automatic power cuts at the booths help save energy at night without leaving exhibitors who need electricity in the dark Each specific requirement can be indi vidually accounted for Administrative mat ters can also be handled efficiently which meets the organisers needs If an exhibitor has failed to make certain payments or tries to consume more than he ordered we can cut off his power supply Jean Baptiste De roche cites a few examples Of course pow er cuts are also performed automatically in dangerous situations such as faulty ground 8 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 5 2016 INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION CENTRES Pioneers of energy management Viparis gets its electricity out of the socket But France s leading trade fair operator uses smart systems to control and manage the distribution of electricity Die Stromversorgung ist in den Messezentren von Viparis eine transparente Angelegenheit Energy management is a transparent affair at the exhibition venues of Viparis Ph ot o C ub e Te ch no lo gi es
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