T he ownership and management of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre HKCEC are separate It is op erated by the private management company HML Its day to day business in cludes many different measures including ad ministration marketing booking schedul ing event coordination building mainte nance and security In addition HML man ages food and beverage operations including restaurants and catering services This in volves huge responsibilities as the HKCEC hosts around 1 100 events a year trade fairs conferences corporate events entertainment seminars and banquets Unlike many other venue managers who also organise events HML focuses all resources on delivering a seek to protect the legitimate interests of its clients the great majority of whom operate within a keenly competitive business envi ronment In particular each themed event is protected by ensuring a reasonable amount of buffer time before and after it During this buffer time no trade exhibition or event with a similar theme can be scheduled At the same time the HKCEC is a key public fa cility This obliges HML to promote the over all economic interests of Hong Kong These interests include the preparation of a calendar that will nurture sus tainability and continuous growth and attract a judicious mix of quality local and overseas clients Lee Müller underlines The HKCEC has established a priority ranking for the different types of events Top priority is ac corded to recurring fairs followed by new launches Then come ma jor conventions with 800 or more delegates preferably with an at tached exhibition This is followed by large scale corporate meetings and banquets before various types of special events e g entertain ment or product launches When scheduling events HML must also take into consider ation any relevant local and inter national holidays any specific lo gistics and crowd management is sues that a particular event might create The open and fair book ing protocol is enabled by the spe cial constellation between owner and operator of the HKCEC Or as the previous chairman of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council Jack So put it at the 25th anniversary of the HKCEC It also proves that the original decision to separate the HKCEC s ownership and man agement was a wise choice www hkcec com PB 70 TradeFairs Internation al 5 2016 INTERNATIONAL HONG KONG Create a high quality programme What are the challenges facing venue operators and according to what criteria do they prepare their calendars The HKCEC sets a good example world class service and maintaining the HKCEC s facilities at top standards points out Monica Lee Müller And HML s managing director goes on to add We do not organise any events of our own to avoid conflicts of interest in terms of booking tenancy The HKCEC is owned by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council The Council al so hosts events and numerous trade fairs Despite this the Council s exhibition de partment receives no preferential treatment in terms of booking priority or rental charges to ensure there is no unfair competition Monica Lee Müller points out When prepar ing the calendar HML adheres strictly to the principles it has set itself These principles Ph ot o H KC EC Personaltraining Zum Tagesgeschäft von HML gehört die Gebäudewartung Staff training HML s day to day business includes building maintenance
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