TradeFairs Internation al 5 2016 5 FOCUSCONTENT Special Asien Special Asia Messebau Design Starke Stücke kühne Konstruktionen Stand construction Design Bold booths for enormous exhibits 94 Ph ot o H KT D C 90 IELA News 96 IFES News 104 Service Partner 106 Backstage 106 Imprint COLUMN 8 International exhibition centres Pioneers of energy management 13 International exhibition centres The exhibit in its environment 17 International exhibition centres Salzburg revamps oldest hall 20 International exhibition centres Insieme in fruit and vegetables 23 UFI in Shanghai Trade fairs in Asia still on the rise 28 UFI in Shanghai More growth more security 32 UFI in Shanghai From scratch to an international brand 34 IELA in Dublin Sharing knowledge and contacts FOCUS 38 Russia Seven point plan for BRICS countries 40 Russia Ambitious targets by 2020 43 Russia Twentieth edition of Interplastica 46 Turkey Carrying on despite the turbulence 50 India The climate is exhibition friendly 54 India 2017 could be a record year 56 Thailand Extra connectivity 60 Thailand Economic factor and jobs generator 62 Malaysia Moving and shaking 65 Indonesia Trade lends wings to logistics 68 Singapore Advantage high tech events 70 Hong Kong Create a high quality programme 73 Hong Kong Islanders ready for action 78 China Mould manufacturing goes modern 80 China The pressure has only made us stronger 84 Korea Good occupancy with further potential 86 Japan Half a century of trade fairs INTERNATIONAL 89 Exhibition rental furniture Special requests all part of the service 92 Stand construction Design Spirited and upbeat 97 Stand construction Design Bold booths for enormous exhibits 102 Stand construction Design Squaring the circle PRACTICE 47 for sharing know how and reaping success Messe Stuttgart is where inno vators decision makers multiplicators creators and users get together With nearly 1 3 million visitors and almost 70 events every year the trade fairs and consumer shows and the exciting topics they cover are true magnets for exhibitors and guests alike Key tech nology meets consumers at Messe Stuttgart and the ICS International Congress Center Stuttgart Modern architecture and an energising ambi ence suffused with light From the on site car park railway station and airport visitors are just three minutes away from the key to global markets For more information visit www messe stuttgart de Hot spot Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH Messepiazza 1 70629 Stuttgart Germany Phone 49 711 18560 0 Fax 49 711 18560 2440 E Mail info messe stuttgart de Ph ot o Is in ge r M er z Beilagenhinweis Der Inlandsauflage dieser Ausgabe liegt eine Beilage unseres Kunden FAMAB bei Wir bit ten unsere Leser um freundliche Beachtung Cover
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