A t the BRICS Business Forum held dur ing the St Petersburg International Economic Forum in June Sergey Bed nov made a speech that attracted a lot of attention All BRICS countries display an interest in participating in exhibitions in Rus sia said the director general of Russia s leading trade fair company Expocentre More than 6 000 companies from China alone take part in Russian exhibitions every year The interest from the People s Repub lic extends to all Russian trade fairs and product groups from power engineering mechanical engineering and electronics to health food and consumer goods Indian companies are also becoming noticeably more active in the Russian market as are in creasing numbers from Brazil and South Africa Russian companies also regularly ex hibit at exhibitions in other BRICS coun tries emphasised Bednov Nevertheless he believes the joint trade fair potential among the five member countries is not yet being exploited well enough Encouraging collaboration between the trade fair organisations of the various BRICS countries could achieve this more effectively Sergey Bednov who is also the chairman of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and In dustry s committee for exhibition and con gress activities came up with seven propos als for strengthening cooperation between BRICS countries in the trade fair sector First coordinated efforts must be made to attract exhibitors and visitors from these countries Leading trade fairs and conventions in the key sectors are ideal for this Second the Ex pocentre boss proposed the joint organisation of trade fairs for goods and services from BRICS countries in strategically important spheres Those include multi sector indus trial exhibitions and sector specific exhibi tions within the framework of bilateral and multilateral cooperation programmes and projects Events like this could be alternated between the five countries together with the presidency of the BRICS group The third proposal was to organise exhi bitions or presentations of investment proj ects annually These events could be timed to coincide with the meetings of the BRICS countries heads of government Fourth sci entific and business conferences sympo siums and round table discussions should be initiated within the framework of exhibi tions or as independent convention activities Fifth Bednov proposed offering assistance with the organisation of trade fair trips for business people The aim is to form part nerships make presentations and conclude import and export deals Sixth trade fairs and conventions should receive assistance with the distribution of information through existing channels Examples would be the BRICS business web portal or the resources of national and bilateral chambers of com merce and industry or associations Seventh the exchange of information between trade fair organisations in the BRICS countries should be strengthened with links to their event calendars Sergey Bednov is certain that the well targeted use of exhibi tions as a mechanism would promote the development of trade and investment www expocentr ru PB 38 TradeFairs Internation al 5 2016 RUSSIA Seven point plan for BRICS countries The BRICS countries Brazil Russia India China and South Africa account for almost 42 percent of the world s popula tion Trade fairs could be better exploiting this potential INTERNATIONAL Expocentre Chef Sergey Bednov hat Vorschläge zur Intensivierung der Messeak tivitäten innerhalb der BRICS Staaten entwickelt Expocentre general director Sergey Bednov has developed suggestions to boost fair acti vities within the BRICS states Ph ot o E xp oc en tr e
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