T his year the competition was dedicated to very special success stories con cerned with brand development for new trade fairs When organisers launch a new trade fair brand they have to come up with a strong marketing strategy and invest a considerable amount of effort In addition a lot of people have to work to gether on the project The winner took that to heart SingEx Exhibitions was chosen for its successful work on the trade fair IoT Asia which has developed into a top event focus ing on the Internet of Things We estab lished the trade fair together with our partner Singapore Industrial Automation Associa tion reveals Aloysius Arlando CEO of SingEx Holdings And we have developed it into an international brand after starting from scratch Nearly 3 800 visitors from 35 countries came to the combined conference and trade fair in March 2016 The jury praised the winning project for its creativity and well conceived marketing strategy In addition the SingEx representa tives were resourceful in the way they pre sented their ideas and the positive results of the project emphasises Christian Glas macher of Koelnmesse the chairman of the UFI Marketing Committee The model will certainly be of great interest to all organisers seeking to position new trade fairs success fully And there will soon be an opportunity for them to get valuable ideas that they can use with their own events This year s award winners will be presenting their projects at the UFI Congress in Shanghai within the framework of the Special Interests Groups meetings on Thursday 10 November from 3 30 to 4 30 pm Anyone wanting to actually experience the winning project can attend on 29 and 30 March 2017 when the next IoT Asia is being held at Singapore Expo www internetofthingsasia com PB 32 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 5 2016 UFI IN SHANGHAI From scratch to an international brand The winner of the prestigious 2016 UFI Marketing Award is SingEx Exhibitions from Singapore which found the jury s favour with its trade fair IoT Asia UFI Congress pro gramme highlights Following its official opening on 10November the 83rd UFI Congresswill be kicking off with a keynote speech by Ayesha Khanna entitled Rip ples Khanna is well aware of how the trade fair industry has benefited from globalisation in the last 25 years These days things are more difficult given the political upheavals that are under way and how digitisation is changing the business world at such speed The years of stability are being superseded by a pe riod of more uncertainty Ayesha Khanna will be showing how trade fair organisers can surf the waves of change and ideal ly benefit from this change The interna tional trade fair industry s future leaders up and coming young executives from India the US Iran Qatar and Germany will then be discussing the shape of their industry in the years to come Online2Of fline or Offline2Online Also on 10 No vember UBM Asia boss Jimé Essink will be describing how trade fair companies are working together with leading IT companies using the example of his own company s collaboration with Aliba ba And on 11 November Jochen Witt will again be talking about developments in different regions around the world The entire congress programme is available on the UFI website www ufi org Im März 2016 kamen annähernd 3 800 Besucher und Delegierte zur Kongressmesse IoT Nearly 3 800 visitors and delegates came to the IoT fair and conference in March 2016 Ph ot o S in gE x
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