cent of survey participants expect double digit profits for 2016 The level is a bit lower in China where up to 30 per cent report such profits Around a quarter of those polled in Asia Pacific Africa and the Middle East report uncertainty regarding their turnover for the first half of 2017 Globally speaking the outlook ap pears to be on balance positive The exhibition in dustry will post growth over the next few months albeit with regional or na tional differences and chal lenges In addition cyclical factors also play a role for which reason 2016 is a strong year in Germany for example This makes it rather difficult to compare the first half of 2016 with the same period in 2017 The majority of polled exhibition compa nies have introduced additional security measures This is due to the growing risks caused by the surge of terrorist activities around the world Security measures vary from additional screenings of visitors and ex hibitors to controls onsite during events as well as additional information for attendees Some companies also mentioned the occa sional checking of lists of pre registered participants This is logically done in li aison with government in stitutions The complete re sults of the 17th UFI Global Exhibition Barometer can be downloaded at www ufi org research The next survey will be performed in December 2016 and pub lished next January Then we will know what impacts major events such as the an nounced Brexit will have on future trade fair prospects PB FOCUS 29TradeFairs Internation al 5 2016 Die Prognosen für Nordamerika sind sehr positiv The outlook for North America is very positive Ph ot o T FI
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