T he flagship industry survey of the glob al association of the exhibition indus try UFI was conducted in June and published in July the UFI Global Exhi bition Barometer Its 17th edition includes data from 262 exhibition companies in 56 countries Based on this data the study re vealed a number of key regional trends The most important concerns are global econom ic development the situation in the compa nies home markets competition from with in the industry and internal challenges The analysis of global regions pro duced a very positive outlook for North America More than eighty per cent of all companies expect an increase in turnover for 2016 and in the first half of 2017 And more than 50 per cent of US exhi bition companies expect an in crease in annual profits of at least ten per cent for 2016 The out look for the UK was similar However the survey was performed in Britain before the referendum on EU membership Good prospects also appeared in several other Eu ropean markets In Turkey expectations were low Unlike in previous years significantly fewer exhibition companies expect growing profits there The situation in Russia remains unchanged In Central and South America a majority of companies anticipate turnover decreases this year However they are more confident for the period from January to June 2017 Profits there are also expected to rise with the notable exception of Brazil which devi ates from the trend In Asia as well as the Middle East and Africa profits are looking al most just as good as in the USA 30 to 50 per 28 TradeFairs Internation al 5 2016 UFI IN SHANGHAI More growth more security Up or down How will the fair industry develop in the first half of 2017 What measures will be taken against the threat of terrorism The UFI Global Barometer provides answers Im Mittleren Osten erwar ten zahlreiche Messeun ternehmen aktuell zwei stellige Profitraten In the Middle East many fair companies currently expect to make double digit profits Ph ot o T FI TFI KNOW HOW Mini etiquette guide to China Always present and receive business cards with both hands and do not forget to take ample stocks with you as many Chi nese colleagues you meet will want to ex change one with you Because business cards are very important you should not sim ply stash them away without studying them first Do not give sharp objects as a present symbol for severing relations Language of colours white is associated with mourning red with good luck Certain numbers like four are believed to be inauspicious In Chinese four sounds similar to the word for dead For this reason many buildings have no fourth floor On the other hand this can have advantages for pri vate activities e g on the race track the odds will be higher for a horse with the number four The important thing is that your Chinese negotiating partner doesn t lose face or else the deal may fall through Even minor inci dents have a certain risk potential as an exam ple at Expo 2010 in Shanghai goes to show When a group of German journalists were shown around the Chinese pavilion at Expo on an official tour with two Chinese guides one with a megaphone and the other un plugged The latter had a very quiet voice and when the German group suggested that she should have the megaphone in view of the noisy surroundings something unex pected happened The first guide abruptly stopped the tour und left the venue Perhaps he saw this as criticism If a business partner smiles it doesn t au tomatically signal approval An embarrassed smile may indicate that he finds the situation a bit uncomfortable This is not the time to ask awkward questions or else your partner will risk losing face

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