sold in Asia Moreover that is five and a half times the space sold in Asia s second largest trade fair market Japan which recorded growth of just 1 2 per cent In terms of growth China was only surpassed by India up 7 8 per cent and the smaller South East Asian trade fair markets the Philippines In donesia and Vietnam The infrastructure available in Asia will remain a strong growth driver for the trade fair business Hence we can see that a host of new venue projects are being planned and implemented observes UFI Managing Di rector Kai Hattendorf Especially outside China in countries such as Indonesia Thai land Malaysia and elsewhere The UFI re port provides detailed information on the de velopment of trade fairs in the surveyed mar kets in Asia Pacific The report includes an analysis on market performance in 2015 as well as forecasts for the future and comments on the key trends in the respective markets In addition each of the 700 UFI members is entitled to an executive summary of the UFI research and to purchase the full report on the Asian exhibition industry at a discount For the 600 expected attendees of the UFI Congress in Shanghai it is a must read to pre pare for the event www ufi org PB 24 TradeFairs Internation al 5 2016 Rund 600 Teilnehmer werden von den UFI Verantwortlichen im November in Shanghai erwartet UFI is expecting around 600 attendees in Shanghai this coming November Ph ot o U FI Benefit from change UFI Managing Director Kai Hatten dorf about the UFI Annual Con gress in Shanghai and challenges for the trade fair industry What does this year s congress theme Ripples mean Small changes can have big impacts both in your own neighbourhood and at the other end of the horizon Over the past 25 years the exhibition industry has benefited from globalisation from markets and cultures opening up despite their diversity Now times are more complicated Digitalisation is changing businesses globally at an ever faster pace The political climate in vital global markets is also changing Stability is being re placed by uncertainty from politics to person al safety These changes these ripples will take the spotlight at our UFI Congress in Shanghai We will be exploring how organis ers venue operators and service companies should best react to these ripples These reac tions should enable our members not only to stay afloat on the waves of change but better yet benefit from them What new elements can delegates expect in Shanghai We are working with a whole range of new programme elements We will further expand the highly successful Special Interest ses sions And the winners of our new Next Generation Leadership Grant will be able to share their views on the future of our indus try on the big congress stage Does Asia face different challenges than say Europe They are different but still the same The trade fair industry is global markets are no longer isolated Of course the current chal lenges in fast growing markets differ from those in stable ones But on the whole trade fair managers are faced by identical chal lenges from digitalisation through the top ic of security to coopetition
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