FIERA MILANO THE BUSINESS PLANET Fiera Milano S p A www fieramilano it I n the run up to its Shanghai congress UFI has presented the twelfth edition of its annual report on the trade fair industry in Asia The survey comprises 15 mar kets including the Fifth Continent Aus tralia On average they posted remarkable growth rates The Asian trade fair industry sold more than 19 6 million square metres in 2015 commented Mark Cochrane That s an increase of 5 6 per cent compared to the previous year says the UFI Asia Pacific Re gional Manager and Managing Director of the Hong Kong consultancy BSG which con ducted the study Asia s remarkable track record of growth looks likely to continue throughout 2016 confirming Asia as one of the world s most dynamic and fast growing exhibition markets This growth is not least due to the newly created exhibition capaci ties According to the UFI findings the num ber of venues operating in Asia will reach an impressive 207 by the end of 2016 bringing up the venue capacity to almost eight million square metres Over the last twelve years the number of venues has more than doubled since the first edition of the UFI report was published As was to be expected the majority of exhibition centres are in China According to the UFI study the country is currently home to 108 venues and more than 5 5 million square metres of gross indoor capacity This represents more than 70 per cent of total ca pacity available in the Asia Pacific region And the amount of space sold is growing alongside these capacities With a gain of 7 1 per cent in exhibition space the People s Re public posted strong growth last year Over eleven million square metres net were sold in China in 2015 56 per cent of the total space FOCUS UFI IN SHANGHAI Trade fairs in Asia still on the rise From 9 to 12 November the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry will be holding its 83rd Congress in China s commercial hub The region s trade fair sector is posting strong growth
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