CREAT E THE T REND S OF TOMO RROW ACTIV ATE GLOB AL N ETWO RK The COME XPOS IUM Group one of t he w orld s lead ing event orga niser s is involv ed in mor e tha n 170 B2C and B2B event s acr oss 1 1 diff erent sect ors includ ing f ood agricu lture fash ion secur ity d igital cons tructi on h igh tech optics and tran sport Com expos ium hosts mor e than 3 mi llion visito rs an d 45 000 exhib itors aroun d the w orld Come xposi um organ izes event s in Alg eria Argen tina Austr alia B elgium Braz il Can ada C hina Franc e Ger many India Indon esia Italy Japan Kore a Mo naco Neth erlan ds New Zeala nd P hilipp ines Qatar Russ ia Sin gapor e Spa in Thaila nd Tu rkey UAE UK U SA ORGA NISE THE B EST O F EVE NTS SHARE VALU ES EXPE RTISE De si gn la yo ut 33 1 5 6 37 0 8 50 R C S N AN TE RR E B 39 9 63 8 63 GE TT YI M AG ES S TO N E COMEXPOSIUM 70 avenue du Général de Gaulle F 92058 Paris La Défense Cedex 33 0 1 76 77 11 11 www comexposium com
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