Jahren nicht in das Thema Besucherstruktur daten Fünf Jahre später 1980 wurden die Befragungen nach FKM Standard für gerade mal 27 Messen durchgeführt obwohl bereits für rund 130 Messen die Aussteller und Be sucherzahlen geprüft worden waren Also ging es 1982 in die zweite Runde wiederum auf Initiative der Industrie und mit starker Unterstützung aus dem Hause Siemens Der AUMA Arbeitskreis Mes setransparenz wurde erneut ins Leben gerufen Ende 1983 einigten sich die Teilnehmer auf einen erweiterten Ka talog mit detaillierteren Fragestellungen 1984 ging der neue Besucherstrukturtest an den Start und überzeugte das breite Spektrum der FKM Gesellschafter Denn schon im ersten Jahr gab es rund 50 Befragungen nach dem neuen Standard 1990 waren es bereits über 110 www fkm de PB led to a loosening of morals in the industry Thus there was a great deal of scepticism on the part of exhibitors The following com ment was made in the founding documents In the exhibition industry numerous domes tic and foreign organisers publish inflated fig ures for visitors exhibitors and exhibition spaces This circumstance contributes to making exhibitors and visitors distrust all fig ures provided by fair organisers and ob structs the transparency of the exhibition in dustry In addition this makes it difficult for businesses who constitute potential ex hibitors or visitors to come to an objective decision And hence the vision of certified trade fair statistics became a reality By 1970 pro ceeding rather slowly 45 fairs were being au dited and by 1980 the figure had already risen to 130 The aim was to gain the trust of exhibitors and visitors and make the in dustry aware of the benefits of certified fair data underlines Harald Kötter And to pro mote objective exhibition decision making adds the managing director of FKM This is still one of the major goals of the Society for Voluntary Control of Fair and Exhibition Sta tistics It currently boasts 54 members and has 200 fairs a year audited in Germany by the firm Ernst Young which had taken over the company of the founding auditor Er win Pougin around two decades ago But auditing mere visitor figures was not enough A standardisation of the contents and methodology of the visitor surveys ap peared to be necessary For this purpose a memorable meeting was held on 14 June 1973 The Association of the German Trade Fair Industry AUMA convened a meeting with the innocuous title Transparency of Fairs and Exhibitions In reality its aim was to create a standardised visitor structure test The meeting was attended by representatives of numerous exhibitor visitor and organiser interest groups BDI DIHT HDE the asso ciations of trade fair organisers FKM and even ZAW the German Advertising Federa tion Its then president Dankwart Rost a Siemens director was the key motor behind demands of the industry for more transpar 8 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 3 4 2016 T he initiators from Düsseldorf Frank furt Hanover Cologne Offenbach and Nuremberg Toy Fair let deeds follow words They resolved that the fulfil ment of the created standards should be au dited and appointed the auditor Erwin Poug in for this task The Society for Voluntary Control of Fair and Exhibition Statistics FKM was founded for this purpose Carl Ferdinand von der Heyde then managing director of Cologne Fair was elected chair man and remained in office until late 1974 50 years ago in early 1966 FKM started op erating In the first twelve months it was able to audit as many as 22 trade fairs With this achievement the German trade fair industry set international standards Sim ilar initiatives were only being undertaken in France at this time The foundation of FKM was probably not entirely voluntary Intensi fied competition between fair organisers had TRADE FAIR POLICY Verifying exhibition data for 50 years In 1965 six German trade fair companies agreed to create uni form standards for auditing trade fair statistics One year later FKM started operating Aktueller FKM Vorsitzender ist Wolfgang Marzin Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung der Messe Frankfurt Zum ersten FKM Vorsitzenden wurde der damalige Kölner Messechef Carl Ferdinand von der Heyde gewählt Carl Ferdinand von der Heyde then managing director of Koelnmesse was the first elected chairman of FKM The current FKM chairman is Wolfgang Marzin CEO of Messe Frankfurt Ph ot o M es se F ra nk fu rt Ph ot o F KM
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