in Verona These services range from loading and unloading vehicles on site storage of full and empty containers to specialist lifting Further services include storage and han dling of transport packaging and the return of empty cases as well as packing and la belling services We are very excited about this new partnership says Ruggero Poli It underlines our expertise in specialist trade fair and event logistics services stresses the managing director of Kuehne Nagel Italy He also points out the company s global net work Over 1 000 major trade fairs exhibi tions and events are handled by Kuehne Nagel each year This makes the company one of the world s leading logistics service providers in this field www kuehne nagel com PB 56 TradeFairs Internation al 3 4 2016 PRACTICE H aving recently signed a four year contract as the official logistics con tractor of Verona Trade Fairs Events KN Expo Events the spe cialised division of Kuehne Nagel pro vides on site logistics services This involves the perfect coordination of complex and time critical processes prior to and during the events which requires a wide range of activ ities They comprise among other things na tional and international transport manage ment including the use of dedicated express vehicles for urgent shipments Door to venue and venue to door delivery is also part of the service as well as arranging adequate trans port insurance Moreover Kuehne Nagel says that it is responsible for several value added services TRADE FAIR LOGISTICS Official partner in Verona Kuehne Nagel Italy is now responsible for the professional handling of trade fair exhibits in the North Italian city This is to ensure smooth logistics processes Entladung eines Lkws mit Messegut Unloading of a heavy goods vehicle with exhibition materials Ph ot o K üh ne N ag el N E W S IELA the International Exhibition Logis tics Association is the only worldwide trade association dedicated to enhancing the pro fessionalism of the transportation logistics and freight handling segments of the exhibi tion and event logistics industry The organi sation s strict entry requirements focusing on exhibition event expertise assure the highest level of quality services Our members are recognised as the indus try leaders and niche providers in their re gions as well as around the globe Currently IELA has 152 members and 32 affiliates in 54 countries Over 230 representatives of these members are coming together for the 31st IELA Congress in Dublin in June Our associa tion seeks to professionalise all segments within exhibition and event logistics set corresponding standards and ensure compli ance with them This is a hallmark of the high quality level of our members www iela org IELA faces since its beginning the challenge and responsibility of being recognized as the elite echelon of the world s best exhibition and event logistics providers Therefore we established the IELA Survey to improve the service level quality and professionalism of all IELA members in March 1987 The IELA Standard of Performance Survey is the unique tool that benchmarks our member s performance The surveys are aimed to improving the level of service professionalism and quality IELA members provide to end customers and show organisers The winner of the respective category Domestic Agent or Export Agent receives the Best Agent Award at the annual IELA Congress the high est quality recognition within the Industry During our Gala Dinner 2016 in Dublin we are going to award the next outstanding performance IELA makes strong efforts since 1985 to deliver best service providers by a strong network of experts developing the exhibi tion industry and boosting excellence within it As the leading association in the global exhibition transportation logistics sector IELA is committed to ensure professionalism throughout all aspects of the industry and its membership reflects this ethos Contact adminiela iela org
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