by Güray Saritas T his development is a central social and political challenge that will open up new opportunities for businesses New business models are evolving especially for small and medium sized companies enabling them to choose smart digital production methods Today s logistics services are based on these process chains They play a major role for the industry in controlling and planning these tasks To optimise value processes suppliers and customers are networked by IT systems Hence they can use a shared information base The reduction of excess stocks is facilitated by direct delivery concepts such as just in time or just in sequence Production and logistics processes are intelligently networked to make production even more efficient and flexible This serves to cre ate intelligent value chains encompassing all phases of the product s lifecycle And products can now be customised to individual con sumer needs more easily Most goods will continue to be transported by road in future and cargo is moved above all on an international scale This requires the intelligent control and optimisation of these flows Modern technology makes a major contribution to efficient and sustainable handling For this purpose supply chains must be digitised and communicated taking account of other factors of the respective carriers Sea freight for example has a regional focus and adapts to the in dividual needs of consumers Short response times require a large de gree of flexibility hence production is becoming increasingly regional Supply is ensured by global supplier chains and requires an on time connection of the interfaces In a globalised world industry specific lo gistics platforms are being developed for this purpose which enable a standardised cooperation and solve compatibility problems They are targeted at shipping companies airlines and associations among oth ers www europfast com Güray Saritas is the founder and managing director of the global logistics company Europfast based in Neuhausen near Stuttgart 51TradeFairs Internation al 3 4 2016 LOGISTICS Industry in the 21st century Industry and society are going digital at a furious pace driven by the Internet This will permanently change work and production methods Güray Saritas In der Industrie 4 0 werden Produktions und Logistikprozesse intelligent miteinan der verbunden Güray Saritas In In dustry 4 0 production and logistics processes will be intelligently networked Ph ot o E ur op fa st PRACTICE
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