P reviously consignment tracking has always finished on arrival at the trade fair venue and it is not unknown for consignments to do a disappearing act while in storage Now exhibitors are notified as soon as a consignment reaches their exhi bition stand DB Schenker is the only trade fair logistics company to implement last mile consignment tracking for items of 31 5 kg or over The new solution offers the sender the highest possible level of transparency on the progress of their consignment explains Ul rich Kasimir who runs the product manage ment for trade fairs and specialist shipments at Schenker Deutschland AG Shippers and exhibitors no longer have to make an effort to track the progress of a consignment The new solution automatically notifies them as soon as the consignment reaches the exhibi tion stand At order placement exhibitors specify straight away whether they would like to be notified by text message or email When a member of staff at the stand acknowledges receipt on Schenker s hand held device a message is sent to the customer The corre sponding GPRS signal is sent to Schenker s trade fair logistics system Globus The ship per automatically receives notification from there A maximum of 15 minutes goes by be tween receipt of the consignment at the exhi bition stand and the customer receiving noti fication The delivery notice provides all the relevant data such as the order number and the delivery date and time The active con signment notification functionality thus com plements the web based consignment track ing that is available to exhibitors once they enter their login details Ulrich Kasimir also emphasises the theft protection aspect which is important at trade fairs Some exhibits such as those at the IFA for example are very valuable If ex hibitors know when a delivery is arriving at a stand they can allocate resources to make sure it is always looked after That s another reason why customers like Schenker s new service Since the pilot project was launched in Berlin and received such a favourable re sponse we have refined and broadened it reports Kasimir We now offer last mile tracking for all 17 German trade fair venues where we are the official freight forwarder Lorries entire loads can now be tracked over the last mile all the way to the exhibition stand www db schenker com de messekon takt PB 49 TRADE FAIR LOGISTICS Transparency over the last mile Last summer DB Schenker started tracking consignments right up to exhibitors stands for the IFA in Berlin The software solu tion is now deployed at 17 different trade fair venues Ulrich Kasimir r beim IELA Kongress Ulrich Kasimir r at IELA Congress Ph ot o IE LA PRACTICE
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