47TradeFairs Internation al 3 4 2016 Waiting times hold up the transport industry Dublin is also associated with the EU s agreement on dealingwith political refugees arriving in Europe The most importantrule is that the first EU country asylum seekers enters is the one where they have to apply for asylum However the Dublin Regula tion has now in effect been suspended And the borderless Schen gen area is also essentially a thing of the past The millions of refugees streaming into Europe have indirectly brought an end to full freedom of movement for people and goods The entire trans port industry is suffering under the refugee situation at borders which is in some cases chaotic observes Christiane Roelfs managing director of Bielefeld based exhibition freight forwarder Fairexpress This results in longer waiting times at borders and thus also to high er costs in the long term Particularly at the Eurotunnel between France and England lorry drivers are currently having to be very patient But it s the same on the Hungarian Austrian Serbian and Romanian borders adds Roelfs It is not just that waiting times at border control points are now significantly longer As she points out increasing numbers of refugees are trying to jump onto lorries or hide in the back In this way they hope to get across borders unde tected But it can result in damage to the vehicles and their loads The situation also has an impact on freight forwarding within Europe for exhibitions of course reports Roelfs In any case it is now always advisable to plan in some extra time for this she advises We can only hope that the governments of the European Union will find humane viable solutions quickly Otherwise Fairexpress currently sees no significant changes in the international exhibition business www fairexpress de Fairexpress v l f l Farah Elouahabi Ulrike Klack Christiane Roelfs Jörg Reinert und Natascha Hönig PRACTICE Ph ot o F ai re xp re ss
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