T his year s slogan is Inspire Business Welcome Tomorrow Over 230 mem bers will be coming to Dublin That will make the congress in the Irish cap ital the largest in the history of the IELA The next decade in the exhibition logistics associ ation s history will be starting not just with a record number of delegates the association s membership is also growing Over ten new members have joined the IELA since it cele brated its 30 year anniversary last year in Singapore Five more countries are now rep resented in the association Estonia Iran Lithuania Peru and Saudi Arabia A number of highlights have been an nounced for the upcoming congress in Dublin There will be two motivational pre sentations How do we navigate through challenges and Developing the strategic horizons to shape markets to your advan tage The IELA Forum which will take the form of a panel discussion will be devoted to health and safety sometimes referred to as operations health and safety OH S an is sue of great relevance in the trade fair indus try The personal risks incurred by staff in the course of their activities around the globe are also included in this All involved in the industry can be affected venues organisers freight forwarders stand construction com panies and exhibitors It is up to all of them to look for the best safety solutions and share their findings emphasises the IELA What is needed are prudent pre emptive measures to protect staff The 2016 IELA Fo rum sees itself as a platform for brainstorm ing and enhancing global health safety and security standards in the trade fair industry Representatives of well known organisations and companies will be contributing their in sights Cathy Breden and Sonia Thomas of the international trade fair associations IAEE and UFI and Bruno Meißner of the Interna tional Federation of Exhibition and Event Services IFES Simon Garrett who works for the safety and security consulting firm X Venture Global Risk Solutions is also tak ing part The IELA Forum is based on the Building the Bridge initiative which was launched in 2014 in order to bring together all the various players in the trade fair indus try The aim is to assess and strengthen ex isting and potential partnerships between all involved in the industry The annual gala dinner is also taking place in Dublin together with the award cer emony to honour the best on site and export agents The congress will be followed imme diately by the 5th IELA Partnering Event from 28 to 30 June This networking event aimed at both members and non members Around 400 people from over 50 countries will be attending far exceeding initial expec tations 130 attendees will be there for the first time whereas for others it will be their fifth partnering event On the second evening they will be spending a very special very Irish event at the Guinness Storehouse www iela events com PB 46 TradeFairs Internation al 3 4 2016 TRADE FAIR LOGISTICS IELA to meet up in Dublin The International Exhibition Logistics Association IELA is coming together for its annual general assembly and 31st congress from 25 to 28 June which will be followed by its Partnering Event Mehr als 230 IELA Mitglieder möchten sich in der irischen Hauptstadt aktiv beteiligen Over 230 IELA members want to take part in the Dublin event Ph ot o IE LA
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