fairs 378 993 square metres followed by Targi Kielce 44 182 037 and then Messe Brno Exhibition Centre 30 124 321 Hung expo in Budapest is ranked fourth 14 98 411 followed by Kiev and then Bucharest Particu larly large agricultural and agricultural engi neering trade fairs were held in Poznan Kielce and Budapest while the largest event in Brno was the mechanical engineer ing fair MSV in Brno Centrex s 20th an niversary is coming up next year The trade fair companies in Budapest Brno and Poznan were among the organisation s founding members Other central and eastern Euro pean trade fair companies joined as time went on The efforts made to col lect the statistics and standardise methodology to ensure better compara bility have certainly paid off Centrex has made a huge contribution in terms of professionalis ing the trade fair industry in the last two decades www centrexstat org PB INTERNATIONAL Freigelände in Budapest Die AgromashExpo war 2015 flächenmäßig die größte Fachmesse von Hungexpo Outdoor area in Budapest AgromashExpo was Hungexpo s largest trade fair in terms of size in 2015 Ph ot o H un ge xp o
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