9HURLK UK HTVUN HSS LU YHS HUK HZ LYU YVWL Z OPIP PVU LU LYZ 73 763 MVY WSHZ PJZ I ZPULZZ ZLJ VY 6 9 763 2 MVY YVHK LUNPULLYPUN PUK Z Y 4 76 MVY HYTLK MVYJLZ PRL WV MVY J JSPZ Z 4L HS MVY MV UKY LUNPULLYZ UK OLYL HYL THU TVYL YHKL ZOV Z H HYNPRPLSJL WS WVZ MVY HSS PUK Z YPLZ environmental protection Enex Ekotech during which 16 conferences and workshops were organised On one hand new types of events are the result of market developments At the same time they should also provide answers to the general global situation Security as pects and the threat of terrorism currently concern citizens everywhere In Poland this issue is discussed in relation to two upcom ing events comments Andrzej Mochon re ferring to the NATO summit in Warsaw and the World Youth Day in Krakow In Kielce the question is likewise on the agenda The first global summit on Chemical Safety Chemss took place this April attended by nearly 300 experts from 44 countries Military defence naturally plays a crucial role in questions of security In September Kielce will hold the 24th edition of MSPO This is not only our flagship event Mochon emphasizes but one of the key defence events in Europe which due to the current global situation will be a meeting point for decision makers For exhibitors and visitors to continue coming to Kielce in the future requires the right type of address to each target group Each sector needs to be approached with different advertising strategies observes An drzej Mochon Some industry conventions such as Stom for the metal sector are best served in the traditional way explains the President of Targi Kielce Other events such as Kids Time have already conquered entire ly new fields such as the so called blogos phere Faced with growing needs the Kielce Trade Fairs has expanded the service sector In stand design there are now individual stands available for presentations in Poland and in other European countries A mobile Relaxation Zone will soon be introduced at Targi Kielce that was created in close collab oration with the Italian School of Design www targikielce pl PB 39TradeFairs Internation al 3 4 2016 Gipfel für chemische Sicherheit und Chem Safety Expo Chemical Safety Security Summit and Chem Safety Expo Ph ot o T ar gi K ie lc e
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