A ccording to the experts the Italian economy is going to do even better in 2016 Our trade fairs have anticipated the signs of recovery says Franco Boni the new president of the BolognaFiere Group In recent years we have experienced constant growth The numbers of exhibitors and visitors particularly from abroad have increased continually As you would expect from this the current year has also got off to a good start Numerous important interna tional trade fairs have taken place reports Boni They include Cosmoprof Cosmofar ma Children s Book Fair and Pharmintech all of which did extremely well The Bolog naFiere Group has already generated rev enues of 126 million euros in 2016 The inter im balance sheet this spring shows earnings before interest taxes depreciation and amor tisation EBITDA of 21 1 million euros The fact that Italy s second largest trade fair company hosts and organises a variety of top international events has no doubt expe dited this trend As far as making contacts is concerned exhibitors are guaranteed a cer tain level of quality at these leading events However these successes don t just happen on their own they are the result of intensive efforts on the part of BolognaFiere We aim to create the ideal conditions for supply and demand to come together argues Boni One way in which we achieve this is by attracting private and public sector delegations from countries with large markets In addition trade visitors use digital B2B platforms in or der to arrange meetings at the trade fair time efficiently in advance The positive trend is expected to continue in the second six months of 2016 We have a number of important international events coming up says Boni mentioning Cersaie and Saie by way of example Sana a trade fair for organic and natural products is also tak ing place Thanks to this event BolognaFiere was asked to organise one of the four themes at Expo 2015 and come up with suitable con tent Eima International International Expo sition of Machinery for Agriculture and Gar dening is coming up as is the Motor Show which is being relaunched There is also plen ty going on in other respects We are putting the final touches to a significant restyling and expansion project reports Boni The idea is to further increase our competitiveness and standards of service Among other things the covered exhibition space will be enlarged BolognaFiere will then be able to meet the de mands of large trade fairs which need more space www bolognafiere it PB 36 TradeFairs Internation al 3 4 2016 INTERNATIONAL ITALY Trade fairs as harbingers of the recovery Last year things began to look a little better for the Italian economy following three years of recession But BolognaFiere was already ahead of the trend Trade fair synergies in Emilia Romagna Franco Boni BolognaFiere s new president on the possibility of more intensive collaboration with the trade fair companies in Parma and Rimini You used to be president of Fiere di Parma Is that an indication that the large trade fair companies in Emilia Romagna are growing closer together or even coalescing There has been talk for a number of years in Emilia Romagna about developing syn ergies between the Big Three Bologna Parma and Rimini The Italian trade fair system is still fragmented What does that fragmentation entail It means that Italy s position is weakened compared to our international competi tors even though we stage the leading in ternational trade fairs in some segments In this connection I can mention a number of trade fairs in Bologna Cosmoprof World wide Bologna in the beauty industry Cer saie for ceramic tiles and bathrooms the construction industry fair Saie or the Chil dren s Book Fair How concrete is the collaboration under discussion There is a definite strategic plan which is now strongly supported by the regional government authorities It involves the do mestic operations of these trade fair com panies as well as their activities in interna tional markets They will be combining their know how and coming up with events that cover a very wide range of products Die Cosmoprof öffnete im März ihre Türen Cosmoprof opened its gates in March Ph ot o B ol og na Fi er e
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