July December 2016 Health and Wellness SANA SEPTEMBER 9 12 28th International Exhibition of Organic and Natural Products www sana it Ceramics industry CERSAIE SEPTEMBER 26 30 International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings www cersaie it Constructions OCTOBER 19 22 SAIE Building Construction www saie bolognafi ere it SAIE3 International Exhibition of windows doors shutters and fi nishings for interiors and exteriors www saie3 com OCTOBER 19 21 SMART CITY EXHIBITION Communication Quality and Development in Smart Cities www smartcityexhibition it ACCADUEO H2O 13th International Exhibition of Technologies for The Treatment and Distribution of Drinking Water and Wastewater Treatment www accadueo com AMBIENTE LAVORO 17th Exhibition on Health and Safety on Workplaces www ambientelavoro it EXPOTUNNEL Underground Technologies and Major Works Exhibition www expotunnel it Agro industry EIMA INTERNATIONAL NOVEMBER 9 13 International Agricultural and Gardening Machinery Exhibition www eima it Automotive MOTOR SHOW DECEMBER 3 11 International Automobile Exhibition www motorshow it BolognaFiere spa Viale della Fiera 20 40127 Bologna Tel 39 051 282111 segreteria generale bolognafi ere it BOLOGNAFIERE S LEADING INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITIONS OTHER SECTORS FARETE 5 6 SETTEMBRE The meeting point for companies in Bologna farete unindustria bo it ROBOT FESTIVAL OCTOBER 7 8 Digital paths into music and art www robotfestival it CREAMODA EXPO OCTOBER 11 13 Fair of accessories and components for clothing leather goods and footwear www creamodaexpo com BOLOGNA SI SPOSA OCTOBER 14 16 Exhibition of products and services for weddings www circuitosisposa it BIG BUYER NOVEMBER 23 25 Exhibition Conference of Offi ce School Fantasy Stationery Products for Italian and Foreign Big Buyers www bigbuyer info IL MONDO CREATIVO NOVEMBER 25 27 Exhibition of Hobby and Crafts www ilmondocreativo it NOVEMBER 26 27 MODEL GAME Static and dynamic Model Making www modelgame it MONDO ELETTRONICA www mondoelettronica net
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