T he consolidated revenues of the Fiera Milano Group increased to over 337 million euros in 2015 That represents growth of 39 percent compared to the previous year exceeding the company s orig inal forecast by 5 percent thanks above all to the additional exhibition space occupied Two of our own events Host and Tuttofood which are held every other year made a key contribution to this reports Corrado Per aboni CEO of Fiera Milano Both are leading trade fairs in their industries hospitality and food respectively Our strategy of organis ing more of our own fairs has thus paid off says Peraboni Last summer the company al so acquired the packaging show Ipack Ima which is held every three years see box A total of 63 trade fairs and 36 conventions were hosted at Milan s two trade fair venues Rho Pero and City in 2015 Fiera Milano also benefited as a service provider from the proximity of Expo 2015 This year the event calendar is less busy simply because some fairs are held on a two or three year cycle The company is relying on other effects to take up the slack We are hoping that the signs of economic recovery prove to be true says Corrado Peraboni That would create good conditions for our activities he continues referring to the ra tionalisation and recapitalisation measures now taking effect at Fiera Milano In addi tion the international events segment which has recently been pushed strongly is to be further strengthened Fiera Milano is concen trating on trade fairs and countries that offer considerable potential The company ex plains its withdrawal from the Turkish market in terms of the current socio economic prob lems there Its business in Brazil and South Africa is about to be reorganised www fiera milano it PB 32 TradeFairs Internation al 3 4 2016 ITALY Signs of the economy recovering A glance at last year s figures brings a smile to the faces of the decision makers at Fiera Milano The general economic upswing is expected to con tinue in 2016 INTERNATIONAL Fair combination for innovation Five trade fairs representing five different capital goods industries are the focus of a newevent format The Innovation Alliance will be staged at Fiera Milano for the first time from29 May to 1 June 2018 The sectors represented have comparable supply chains These include processing packing graphical design and storage The new five fair combination comprises Ipack Ima Meat Tech Plast Print4All and Intralogistica Italia It s the first step in our new strategy says Fiera Milano CEO Peraboni We want to develop major industry events he emphasises The idea is that these projects will be a global shop window for top Italian products Close cooperation between the relevant industry associations and Fiera Milano is intended to increase the numbers of international visitors That in turn will meet the needs of exhibitors who will be able to extend their customer base across industries and national borders Fiera Milano partner Deutsche Messe Hanover will also be providing its international contacts Corrado Peraboni Die Rationalisierungsmaßnahmen bei der Mailänder Messe greifen Corrado Peraboni The rationalisation drive at Fiera Milano is having an effect Ph ot o F ie ra M ila no
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