I ts roots reach back into the 15th century Since 1471 Basel Autumn Fair which was brought into being by imperial privilege has taken place every year without inter ruption however not as a trade fair in the modern sense but as a funfair In the early 20th century the idea re emerged to revive the short lived medieval spring fair which had been abandoned in 1494 The initiator was a Belgian Jules de Praetere then director of the Basel School of Arts and Crafts and Museum of Arts and Crafts His vision was to stage a product sample market every year modelled on Leipzig Trade Fair He quickly gained a following for his ideas in Basel s po litical circles On 15 July 1916 right in the middle of World War 1 the council of the canton of Basel Stadt declared that it funda mentally approved the organisation of a Swiss sample fair And only nine months later the first Swiss Sample Fair opened its gates in Basel from 15 to 24 April 1917 On 26 February 1920 the Grand Council of the Canton of Basel Stadt decided to found a cooperative under private law with the pur pose of organising the sample fair in Basel At a later date this cooperative was trans formed into a cooperative under public law of the Canton of Basel Stadt In 2000 it was transformed once again into a limited com pany with the participation of public law en tities The most important reason for this change was the planned merger with Messe Zürich which had been founded in 1945 The company resulting from the merger in 2001 was Messe Schweiz AG which was re named MCH Group AG in 2009 The Canton of Basel Stadt still holds a one third stake in the Group today The other stakeholders are the cantons of Basel Landschaft and Zurich as well as the city of Zurich What was once solely a Basel based fair organiser has long become a leading international live market ing group with sales figures that place it among the world s Top Ten fair companies In ad dition MCH Group also counts marketing consulting exhibi tion and event construction multimedia events and event management among its fields of business The anniversary motto 100 Years Ahead captures the pioneering spirit and innova tive drive that are the hall marks of today s MCH Group It is celebrating its 100th an niversary throughout the year with a range of activities and events While the main focus is on its staff the Group is like wise including its partners and clients exhibitors and visitors and also the public at large in its manifold celebrations The highlights of the festivities in clude the publication of the anniversary book In step with the times from the Swiss Sample Fair to the MCH Group An exhibition of histor ical posters already took place this spring A party for the Group s 800 employees will be staged in early September as a highlight of the anniversary year and also to mark its con clusion And Throughout the year the latest news milestones in the company s history and personal stories are being posted on the new anniversary website www 100jahre zukunft ch PB 30 TradeFairs Internation al 3 4 2016 100 YEARS OF MCH Initiated by a Belgian 2016 marks the hundredth birthday of the MCH Group and hence the founding of the modern trade fair industry in Switzerland Die Uhr wird Wahrzeichen Bau der Halle 2 der Schweizer Mustermesse in Basel in den Jahren 1953 und 1954 The clock that became a landmark construction of hall 2 of the Swiss Sample Fair in Basel in 1953 and 1954 Ph ot o S ta at sa rc hi v Ba se l S ta dt Pr iv at ar ch iv M C H G ro up INTERNATIONAL
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