using Red Bull as an example of how modern forms of communication can extend reach In these turbulent times of terrorist threats and attacks security is also becoming an increasingly important issue Security lev els have been raised greatly in some cases following recent events Giacomo Lucchini chief operating officer at Fiera Milano will be examining security measures at major events taking the activities at last year s World Expo in Milan by way of example The challenge there was to carry out all the necessary checks while at the same time allowing a to tal of 21 million visitors to gain admission to the Expo site easily After his presentation Lucchini will be discussing how to reconcile these conflicting priorities with Patric Sjöberg of Stockholmsmässan and David Boon of Bruxelles Expo The two trade fair bosses will be revealing how they handle security at their venues without affecting logistic processes In addition to the specialist programme at the UFI event there will again be plenty of opportunities for networking both during the day and in the evening On the first evening there will be an informal welcome reception with a typical local buffet at Volks haus Basel MCH s centenary celebrations see page 30 will come to the fore at the event on the second evening Jonas Ridder strale a visiting professor at Ashridge Busi ness School in the UK will be making a speech at the dinner He will reflect on the slogan of the UFI Seminar at Congress Center Basel The challenge of change After the event itself the attendees will have another opportunity to make new contacts and culti vate existing relationships On the afternoon of 22 June there will be a tour of this city of art on the Rhine the home of the renowned Art Basel art show www ufi org PB 28 TradeFairs Internation al 3 4 2016 IFES Presents Ten Minutes With A Video Series for Exhibiting and Exhibit Building Companies IFES announced that it is premiering TenMinutes With a new video interviewseries designed to bring valuable infor mation to exhibiting and exhibit build ing companies around the world Each video in the series will explore the chal lenges of designing producing content and exhibiting in highlighted countries and re gions across the globe These videos deal specifically with the im portant things to know about the dynamics potential conflicts and essential knowledge companies need in order to participate in ex hibitions and events outside their domestic geographic location says Cam Stevens chair of the IFES Education Committee Experts will share their tips and advice for navigating spe cific locations where culture regulations and customary practices need to be carefully un derstood The Ten Minutes With video series is free to watch part of an IFES Education Committee initiative designed to showcase the power of international collaboration and knowledge sharing prevalent among the IFES community The first videos in the series are now available online and feature experts from Turkey Canada and Japan See them in our IFES Youtube Channel IFES stands for the Inter national Federation of Ex hibition and Event Servic es Founded in 1984 it celebrated its 30th birth day in 2014 Today IFES represents more than 250 members which are com posed of companies and federations from 36 coun tries worldwide Sharing knowledge global net work and international collaboration as our mot to states are the core objectives to satisfy our customers needs in the exhibition and event industry To achieve this IFES drafted a Code of Conduct in 2010 in which every current and new IFES members has to abide by these set of rules and regulations Another aspect of IFES work and in order to boost contacts with trade show organisers and ex hibition ground owners IFES is member of UFI which enables all of their members to be kept up with the latest rules and regulations that exist in every fairground worldwide www ifesnet com Ph ot o IF ES INTERNATIONAL
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