geben zudem einen Einblick wie sie die Si cherheitsaspekte in ihren Veranstaltungszen tren handhaben ohne etwa logistische Ab läufe zu beeinträchtigen Neben dem fachlichen Programm der UFI Veranstaltung wird es wieder ausrei chend Gelegenheiten zum Netzwerken ge ben tagsüber und nach Tagungsschluss Schon am ersten Abend findet ein zwanglo ser Willkommensempfang mit einem typi schen lokalen Buffet im Volkshaus Basel statt Die Veranstaltung am zweiten Abend steht ganz im Zeichen der Feierlichkeiten zum hundertsten Geburtstag von MCH sie he Seite 29 Während des Dinners hält Jo nas Ridderstrale Gastprofessor an der briti schen Ashridge Business School eine Rede Er reflektiert dabei das Motto des im Con gress Center Basel ausgerichteten UFI Semi nars Die Herausforderungen des Wandels Und auch nach Abschluss der eigentlichen Veranstaltung haben die Teilnehmer noch Gelegenheit neue Kontakte zu knüpfen oder bestehende zu pflegen Am 22 Juni startet nachmittags eine Rundfahrt durch die Kunst geprägte Stadt am Rhein die Heimat der be rühmten Art Basel ist www ufi org PB means that organisers and venue operators are faced with new questions Will the trade fair industry be able to incorporate digital so lutions If so what will these models look like What will be the consequences for live marketing And what are other industries do ing about it Stephan Peyer chief develop ment officer at host company MCH will be giving an insight into this with a presentation on trade fairs in the age of digitisation Prod uct marketing has reached an entirely new level of complexity believes Peyer Closely associated with this is the trans formation of business models What the mar ket demands in the future also depends very much on the expectations of the next gener ation of decision makers The UFI Seminar in Basel will therefore be examining the needs of millennials generally considered to be those who were teenagers at the turn of the millennium They ve been in the starting blocks for some time now ready to make their way to the top of company hierarchies What do these millennials expect from the trade fair industry What kinds of messages can tempt them to come to events and what are the no nos when addressing them Dutch social scientist and behavioural researcher Tessa van Asselt will be providing answers Sometimes referred to as Generation Y they are big users of social media Huib van Bock el will be explaining how social media can be used successfully for marketing purposes 26 TradeFairs Internation al 3 4 2016 UFI IN BASEL The challenge of change This year s UFI Open Seminar in Europe is taking place from 20 to 22 June in Basel Switzerland s leading trade fair city Attendees can look forward to three different themes D igitisation the changes that are trans forming how business is done and security will be the subject of intense debate at this get together of the global association of the exhibition industry in Basel These are pressing issues that are impossible to ignore according to many in the industry The UFI describes digitisation as a megatrend that forces every company to become more digital On the one hand digitisation presents trade fair companies with a range of possibilities On the other it Das Netzwerk dinner findet am Dienstag abend statt The Net working Dinner will take place on Tuesday evening Ph ot o M C H G ro up INTERNATIONAL
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