I n Hamburg both the number of guest trade fairs and size of rented space has been growing constantly over the past few years We have to compare the odd years and the even years with each other says Bernd Aufderheide This is because we organise more events of our own in even years the CEO of Hamburg Messe Con gress explains Therefore we have fewer time slots we can make available for guest events Nevertheless the development has been favourable in even years as well From 2010 to 2014 the number of guest trade fairs rose by 30 per cent to 18 events Whereas guest shows in the odd years between 2011 and 2015 posted an increase of almost 45 per cent to 26 events In addition to guest events that are purely trade shows we have ten to 20 other kinds of guests events on the premises every year as well says Aufder heide Mostly special events corporate func tions exchanges and markets Guest events are a key factor of Ham burg s medium term growth strategy We have a whole range of established guest trade fairs in Hamburg that have seen con stant growth over the years points out Bernd Aufderheide Hence guest trade fairs are very important for us and we do our best to attract them It is certainly helpful that the layout of Hamburg s exhibition centre makes it possible to stage multiple events at the same time And when trying to attract new guest trade fairs the team focuses on in ternational B2B fairs tailored to Hamburg s strong business clusters such as aviation media or logistics Touring trade shows that regularly change their venue are also very interesting says Bernd Aufderheide www hamburg messe de Messe München Locations is the name of Munich s con cept It offers the ideal frame work for guest events of all sizes points out Reinhard Pfeiffer If they grow smaller or mid sized events that started out at the MOC centre or ICM can move to Messe München says the managing director of Messe München Our modular partitionable exhibition centre en ables us to stage several events at the same time As a result he claims that guest events have grown organically in size over the last few years and that new shows have been added The sales team analyses both business development and the relevant mar kets and approaches potential customers in dividually And for the MD exhibiting at fairs like Imex Imex America and ibtm is the ide al way to keep in touch with regular cus tomers and gain new events Fostering customer loyalty is a crucial factor for the success of guest events says Reinhard Pfeiffer As an example he cites Mack Brooks Exhibitions After its inter air port Europe event relocated from the airport site to Messe München in 2009 ICE Europe was able to grow from the MOC centre to Messe München in 2011 Later CCE Interna tional was launched as a new co located event with ICE Europe in 2013 In autumn 2015 Mack Brooks added InPrint to its port folio as a new fair at Messe München These four projects are now regular events that take up around 90 000 square metres of gross ex hibition space at Messe München www messe muenchen de KF 24 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 3 4 2016 GUEST EVENTS A highly attractive segment Trade fairs staged by external organisers are posting strong growth Both in quantity and size as fair companies in Ham burg and Munich report Corrugated Carton Exhibition CEE in München Corrugated Carton Exhibition CEE in Munich Ph ot o M ac k Br oo ks E xh ib iti on
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