events segment which includes both trade fairs and conventions will continue to make an important contribution to the business de velopment of our company in future pre dicts Ralf Kleinhenz senior vice president at Messe Berlin Around 3 900 exhibitors and nearly 280 000 visitors came to guest trade fairs in 2015 623 000 square metres of gross exhibi tion space was rented out And the company intends to continue in the same vein one of the most important external events in 2016 is the world s leading trade fair for coil wind ing CWIEME Berlin which was held in the first half of May Over 6 000 insiders from all over the world come to this prestigious in dustry get together every year At the end of May and start of June the CityCube is host ing Metropolitan Solutions a combined con vention and trade fair revolving around smart cities Cisco Live is one of the best at tended events organised by the American networking equipment company In mid Feb ruary this year it again brought over 10 000 IT decision makers together in the CityCube It s the multinational s largest event outside the US And for a number of years now the portfolio of guest events has included Asia Apparel Expo Berlin a fashion fair for Asian clothing Although demand is extremely high for the new CityCube for example the guest events business can t be just left to run on its own There is great demand for the personal touch That s why it s essential to appear at large industry events such as Imex and ibtm explains Ralf Kleinhenz Our focus above all is on hosting even more interna tional events In addition the company is aiming to host an increasing number of B2B events and develop the rapidly growing cor porate events segment Daimler s annual general meeting was again one of the top events in Berlin this year www messe berlin de KF FOCUS Ralf Kleinhenz Unser Fokus liegt vor allem auf der noch größeren Internationalität der Veranstaltungen Ralf Kleinhenz Our focus above all is on hosting more international events Ph ot o M es se B er lin
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