B ayern International was established as part of a future oriented Bavarian government initiative The plan was to create a flexible organisation that would effectively address the needs of small and medium sized exporters by means of a variety of measures Trade fairs abroad play an important role in this Nothing beats per sonal contact in B2B communication as serts Sieglinde Sautter who heads the de partment responsible for trade fair participa tion and business trips at Bayern Internatio nal And it works particularly well at trade fairs she adds That s why the Bavarian trade fair participation programme is one of the most successful export promoting tools in Germany It is a tool that has been continually furt her developed In 2001 for example industry contacts were introduced as part of the trade fair participation programme The aim was to give Bavarian SMEs a fixed contact per son recalls Sautter It meant we were able to establish closer customer relationships and promote an exchange with companies and industry associations At the same time the staff built up industry expertise and networ king was facilitated Bayern International now offers trade fair participation in nine dif ferent industries reveals Sautter They in clude traditional industries such as mechani cal engineering but also new industries such as IT security or the cultural and creative in dustries New trade fair formats were introduced last year and the trade fair programme beca me more diverse Different forms of presen tation are facilitated for the purpose of mar ket development such as symposiums or conventions Financial support has been pro vided to allow exhibitors to participate at al most 700 trade fairs over the last 20 years and around 7 000 exhibitors have been ac companied We are active all over the world at around 50 trade fairs a year in almost 30 countries reports Sautter The regional em phasis is increasingly on Asia which ac counts for a third of the offerings followed by North America Bayern International al so seeks to discover new markets and makes efforts to develop markets it believes hold promise for small and medium sized Bavari an companies in the future That s why there is also a shared stand in Iran in 2016 and an information and service centre in Cuba Exhibitors taking part in the trade fair programme get a turnkey exhibition stand with variable stand space Bayern Internatio nal handles all the organisation and looks af ter exhibitors while they are there Moreover companies also get other benefits such as a lounge with Internet connection and catering free of charge Information is provided in ad vance by partners in the destination compa ny and tips are given on hotels flights or freight forwarders The most important be nefits to the exhibitors are organisational stresses Sautter But they also benefit from the financial support provided by the Bavari an Ministry of Foreign Affairs which relieves the strain on their trade fair budget An example from the trade fair Asia Water which took place in 2016 in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia illustrates this normally a stand of nine square metres would have cost 5 535 euros but thanks to the financial support provided companies with annual revenues of up to 50 million euros paid only 3 060 eu ros www bayern international de PB 19TradeFairs Internation al 3 4 2016 TRADE FAIR POLICY Encouraging exports and discovering new markets Bayern International has been helping small and medium sized enterprises SMEs with exports since 1996 Around 7 000 exhibitors have been accompanied at trade fairs abroad in that time Ph ot o B ay er n In te rn at io na l Wir sind jährlich auf rund 50 Messen in fast 30 Ländern aktiv berichtet Sieglinde Sautter von Bayern International You will find us at around 50 trade fairs a year in almost 30 countries says Sieglinde Sautter of Bayern International Ph ot o B ay er n In te rn at io na l Aussteller können die Lounge zur Anbahnung von Geschäftskontakten kostenlos nutzen Exhibitors have free access to the lounge to establish business contacts
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