F irst impressions are decisive and deter mine success or failure at exhibitions too Good exhibition stand staff has to be competent and be employed in ac cordance with job regulations Then the ex hibitor can approach the exhibition reas sured Welcome The reception of visitors at the exhibition stand is the key to the first contact It is a good idea to have a person just for this pur pose at the door making sure that no one goes unaddressed After all it is not very helpful when salespeople are looking around nervously during a talk with visitors to make sure they do not ignore any potential cus tomers thus turning off the truly interested ones A bit of imagination helps in establish ing contact A real no no sentence is the typ ical Can I help you It is much more effec tive to offer the visitor a drink instead so that she or he feels welcome and not ha rassed Qualified stand personnel Many exhibitors do not have sufficient recep tion staff available of their own Yet personal human contact is still the decisive factor for a good presentation of the company Hired exhibition staff greet guests in a friendly and polite manner liaising between visitors and the firm s staff In addition hostesses usual ly speak several languages and are thus able to communicate with foreign visitors Whether or not a briefing before the begin of the exhibition is necessary depends on the complexity of the product the service or firm and makes sense particularly when there are large teams of numerous external employees such as hostesses service staff or product consultants It helps all those in volved to form a synchronised team before the beginning of the exhibition and to pursue a common goal Legal booking Many exhibitors do not realise that hostesses and other stand personnel have to booked in a legal manner Contrary to widespread prac tice their employment is subject to income tax and social security obligations Numer ous agencies and Internet portals unfortu nately still supply service providers via a trading license Service personnel can thus seemingly be comfortably simply and cheaply booked in this manner Since such staff is often only ostensibly self employed this can have dire consequences for the ex hibitor according to the German laws against undeclared work Employers who are not aware of these legal subtleties can face problems They can be threatened with fines from the authorities during corporate audits or subsequent demands from the host esses Even if the personnel is hired through an agency the exhibitor is liable in any case for the risks and consequences of ostensible self employment are assumed solely by the employer Moreover customs officials often check even during the exhibition whether the exhibiting firm complies to the law or not Early calculation Many prices such as for accommodation or food explode during exhibition periods This often applies to stand personnel as well You should compare offers for hostesses service personnel or catering They help the ex hibitor to acquire a differentiated overview of the prices to be expected You should be careful with extremely low price offers since such firms often save on legal conformity for example in regard to hygiene regulations in food preparation and storage Sufficient time has to be devoted to the selection process On the other hand when a firm takes too long in preparing offers this indicates faulty job processes among the service provider The rule of thumb is that the exhibitor should have received all the price offers at least three months before the beginning of the exhibition Digital booking process The digital transformation has also affected personnel booking Increasingly improved tools exist for the booking process itself such as custom booking project and staff soft ware that can support the exhibitor the stand personnel and the agency Good soft ware makes transparent booking in real time possible It is often a rescue solution espe cially in last minute hiring for example when a permanent employee is sidelined 17 TFI KNOW HOW How do you feel good at first contact with an exhibition Expert Amin Guellil Managing Director UCM Hostess Berlin Contact a guellil ucastme de Qualifiziertes Standpersonal vermittelt zwischen Messebesu chern und Mitarbeitern Qualified stand personnel act as intermediaries between visitors and staff mem bers Ph ot o U C M
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