tomers In addition all new staff members have to attend seminars with an external trainer reports Andreas Thonnett There they learn all the aspects we consider impor tant for communication with guests says the head of visitor services entrance man agement at Koelnmesse Information desk personnel attend a briefing with the project manager of the relevant fair the day before the show If things don t work out so well during the fair there is the option of provid ing on the job training For this purpose a coach monitors service staff at work during a fair and offers them tips and advice directly Especially at large fairs Koelnmesse per forms mystery checks A mystery guest tests and rates service related aspects based on a detailed questionnaire says Andreas Thonnett The focus is on the friendliness and expertise of personnel with a target of over 90 per cent positive ratings If this score is not achieved we communicate the identified weak points to our service pro viders says Thonnett In addition com plaints are taken very seriously If certain staff members or service areas repeatedly score unfavourable results this needs to be discussed with the service provider www koelnmesse de For Messe Essen first impressions don t just start with a friendly welcome at the carpark entrance They already begin with the first contact with our exhibitors and when planning your fair presence says spokeswoman Daniela Mühlen In house seminars are regularly held for service staff hostesses and parking attendants Messe Es sen not only pays attention to the specific re quirements of the individual fairs We also react to customer feedback in order to con stantly update our standards says Mühlen Training of external service providers is subject to a strict quality management at Messe Essen In the exceptional case that customer contacts do not meet our stan dards we don t impose sanctions says Daniela Mühlen But we try to motivate and promote confident behaviour through inten sive training Regular feedback sessions with internal and external staff especially during an event make it possible to inter vene promptly And at international fairs language skills always need to be of a higher standard than at a regional consumer fair www messe essen de PB 13 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 3 4 2016 NürnbergMesse unusual customer experiences In Nuremberg one visitor wanted to at tend an event in a certain conferenceroom But he was late and called Carl Veldman at the switchboard Veldman saw the guest who was pacing the square be tween the central and western entrances and sent a colleague to pick him up and get him to his destination on time Another visitor of IWA OutdoorClassics was incon solable he had lost his mobile phone but needed to make calls and be reachable The service staff had a solution The trade visitor was able to lend a phone from Nürn bergMesse to be reachable again during the fair reports Ulla Goldberg of Dialogue Marketing Visitor Services Plus Nürn bergMesse offers an extra service called Getit which organises indispensable exhibitor accessories Often the team arranges print products or even meets un usual wishes as in the case of an exhibitor at embedded world who had run out of oranges for making juice at his booth Robert Purkert of the Getit team got him 100 kilos of oranges That went down very well and the oranges were apparently very good he says And now the exhibitor al ready orders 400 kilos of oranges before the event whenever he takes part He just has to say Same as usual and we ll see to it www nuernbergmesse de In Köln ist von der Kleiderordnung bis hin zu Begrüßungsformeln alles festgelegt Cologne has rules for everything from dress code to greetings Ph ot o K oe ln m es se Wir reagieren auch auf Kundenfeedback und ak tualisieren so fortlaufend unsere Standards sagt Daniela Mühlen von der Messe Essen We also react to customer feedback in order to constantly update our standards says Daniela Mühlen of Messe Essen Ph ot o M es se E ss en
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