T hings were in full swing at both of Hong Kong s trade fair centres where the overlapping International Jewellery Show and International Diamond Gem Pearl Show were being held a few miles apart The International Jewellery Show for complete pieces of jewellery took up 79 000 square metres of exhibition space at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Cen tre while vendors of diamonds gems and pearls began exhibiting at AsiaWorld Expo two days earlier occupying 51 000 square metres of exhibition space Taken together the two events attracted nearly 4 400 ex hibitors who took up a total of 130 000 square metres of exhibition space Over 80 000 trade visitors came to the two fairs 5 4 percent more than a year earlier Despite the challenges facing the global economy we again managed to attract local and interna tional buyers says Benjamin Chau deputy executive director of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council who is very pleased with this growth The high level of interest from abroad tal lies with the sales figures By the end of Oc tober last year the value of Hong Kong s ex ports of real jewellery had reached 5 7bn US dollars Half of that was accounted for the US Switzerland and the UK Exports to the United States and the United Kingdom in creased significantly by 6 5 and 8 3 percent respectively The most powerful engine of growth however was mainland China with growth of 28 percent That is also reflected at the two Hong Kong trade fairs where buyers from China India and South East Asia ac counted for the highest growth Incidentally in order to exploit the synergies between these sister trade fairs to optimum effect a shuttle service was laid on On the days when the two events overlapped visitors were able to travel by bus between the two trade fair centres free of charge Prospective buyers were thus able to take in the two events with ease And it will all be happening again in March 2017 www hktdc com PB 54 TradeFairs Internation al 2 2016 INTERNATIONAL HONG KONG From jewellery to gems by bus At the beginning of March 2016 the world s largest marketplace for diamonds gems and jewellery opened again in Hong Kong The industry is currently enjoying an upswing New book on China s event market The English language anthology Hand book Event Market China contains 27chapters which focus above all on the international aspects of the Chinese event market Over 40 experts with experi ence of China contributed to the book They include university lecturers business people with practical experi ence and repre sentatives of na tional and inter national event industry organi sations Many of the contributions are the joint work of German and Chinese au thors which gives the handbook particular authority It provides up to the minute background information and makes use of the latest Chinese original sources The in troduction of the editors the preface and the abstracts are also translated into Chi nese The volume s target groups are na tional and international organisations companies university lecturers and stu dents interested in the Chinese event mar ket Edited by Helmut Schwägermann Pe ter Mayer and Yi Ding the book is available in a print edition and as an e book www degruyter com Eröffnungsempfang der International Diamond Gem Pearl Show in der AsiaWorld Expo Opening reception of the International Diamond Gem Pearl Show at AsiaWorld Expo Ph ot o A si aW or ld E xp o
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