hall for 850 people Because meetings will be setting the pace for Kielce s further growth in fu ture the venue underwent a strong expansion a few years ago It invested heavily to build the most modern congress centre in Eastern Poland Apart from its infrastructure with good traffic access and 2 400 parking spaces Targi Kielce s congress centre also of fers its customers soft factors like market analyses and finding the optimum dates for events And it will help specify target groups and recruit participants on de mand Assistance is also offered with finding staff like hostesses interpreters and support with se curity questions These extensive services generate rising demand 700 congresses conferences and With 10 000m additional multi purpose exhibition space 3 000m additional meeting space a reduced environmental footprint and a significantly increased socio economic contribution we are ready for bigger and more concurrent events For more information about the even bigger and better CTICC visit www cticc co za or email us at sales cticc co za www cticc co za CTICC Expands New doors open early 2017 FOCUS 21TradeFairs Internation al 2 2016 trainings take place at Targi Kielce every year Along with the growing number of MICE events organisers requirements have al so become more demanding Hence the congress centre is equipped with multimedia sys tems for meeting activities One of the events that will take advantage of this in the near future is the Family Medicine Congress from 2 to 5 June On the one hand the congress will focus on the daily challenges fac ing family doctors And secondly it will showcase the latest find ings and technological develop ments In addition there will be intensive discussions with ex perts engaged in scientific re search On the whole Kielce s management wants to attract even more meeting planners from abroad and draw attention to the venue s facilities Reason enough for the company to present itself abroad a short time ago At the start of this year Targi Kielce ex hibited at the Best of Events In ternational in Dortmund Ger many www targikielce pl PB Kongresszentrum in Kielce Messe und Kongresshalle E für bis zu 4 500 Personen Congress Centre in Kielce exhibition and congress hall E for up to 4 500 people Ph ot o T ar gi K ie lc e
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