exhibits Even steel colleagues were promi nently represented The media show includ ed a choreographed performance by two in dustrial robots with huge LED screens in front of a 36 metre panoramic projection and interacting with the people and vehicles on the stage A staff choir formed especially for the ceremony provided the musical accompani ment For its portrayal of the past present and future the show received the Silver FAMAB Award in the Best Corporate Event category Despite the level of technical effort involved the event revolved around people and it was charming how they were integrat ed stated the jury The route to the future was presented by means of intelligent story telling It was history marketing par excel lence Airbnb an Internet platform for book ing private accommodation in large cities won Gold in the Best Consumer Event cate gory The company still sees considerable po tential for increasing awareness of its brand in medium sized cities The idea was to cre ate a campaign that would show what is most important to many travellers individu ality discovering the world in a unique way and a sense that you are at home wherever you happen to be in the world The Airbnb double decker for modern day explorers was a core element of the campaign which was designed to provide a tangible experi ence of the online brand Airbnb The mission was to awaken an enthusiasm for travel with Airbnb in as many people as possible The explorer bus was a 40 year old Büssing vehi cle that had been completely gutted refitted and branded It was decorated uniquely with items bought at flea markets all over the world and on digital platforms Guests were able to immerse them selves in a unique Airbnb world in the re vamped bus As well as experiencing the brand presentation the target group of travel enthusiasts came into contact with the Airbnb host community in work shops for example or on a Lindy hop dance course or a walk with alpacas Any one gripped by travel fever could configure their own dream trip on the iPad app and enter it in a competition Authentic and geared to suit the target group concluded the jury In addition partners were made brand ambassadors The efficiency aspect was also emphasised The double decker s trip selection efficiency ensured successful customer acquisition and an ideal cost bene fit ratio www famab award de PB RÖDER Zelt und Veranstaltungsservice GmbH Am Lautenstein 63654 Büdingen Germany Fon 49 6049 700 0 Fax 49 6049 700 339 info r zs com www r zs com WE BUILD IT TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTIONS WORLDWIDE RÖDER SOLUTION PLUS 20 x 35 m bei den Extreme Sailing Series in Hamburg Im Auftrag von OC Sport UK R 9TradeFairs Internation al 1 2016 20 Jahre d werk Aus der einst baufälli gen Garage im Hof entstand ein Ge bäude mit einer besonderen Fassade d werk turns 20 The dilapidated back yard garage was transformed into a building with a special façade Ph ot o F A M A B A w ar d
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