Brighten up your designs with ColorLine NJOY COLOURFUL DESIGN LJEXIBILITY WITH 6IVAK AND AKROLON OLOR INE POLYCARBONATE OR COPOLYESTER SHEETS 7HETHER IN A SHOP OR ON AN EXHIBITION STAND THE RANGE OF APPLICATIONS IS POSITIVELY KALEIDOSCOPIC 4HE OLOR INE SHEETS CAN BE THERMO FORMED INTO EVERY IN CONCEIVABLE SHAPE THE MATERIAL CAN BE PRINTED ON AND IS EXTREMELY IMPACT AND TEMPERATURE RESISTANT Ř INCLUDING džRE PROTECTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH VARIOUS INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS OR MORE INFORMATION VISIT US AT WWW SHEETS COVESTRO COM SALES SHEETS COVESTRO COM PRACTICE Röder Group picks up international awards The trade association IFAI has been stag ing the International AchievementAwards for more than six decades It recognises design excellence and innovative achievements in the specialty fabrics and technical textiles industry In 2015 IFAI re ceived a total of 293 entries from 11 coun tries that were submitted for 31 categories in this year s competition The Röder Group won the first two prizes in the Corporate Tent Rental category The Award of Excel lence the highest award went to Röder for the BMW World Promotion project Düssel dorf based agency Hagen Invent had staged an impressive promotion event for the new BMW 2 Series Gran Tourer in the Croatian harbour town of Zadar For this purpose Röder installed a 15 m x 20 m Solution tent covered with a six meter high glass and alu minium façade in the middle of a bay on floating pontoons Journalists attending the international press launch reached the im pressive location on a 45 meter long pontoon bridge In the evening the colourful illuminat ed Solution tent was a spectacular eye catcher in the harbour of the seaside resort In promi nent places of the harbour promenade six DICE 5 m x 5 m promotion tents formed at tractive lounge areas offering information on the new BMW The Röder Group also scooped up the coveted Outstanding Achievement Award for providing the 2014 CHIO World Festival of Equestri an Sports in Aachen with a multitude of tents and halls 20 different tent styles set architectural ac cents Large double decker Röder tents were used to create the Champions Cir cle VIP hospitality marquee which provided catering for around 5 500 celebrities guests and rid ers a day Around 200 pagoda tents went in to building the CHIO Village where over 150 exhibitors invited guests to shop The jury paid tribute to the design creative realisa tion and portfolio of tent and hall systems of the Röder Group www r zs com BMW World Promotion in Zadar Ph ot o R öd er
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