different hues It was made of linoleum bound sketchbooks which the visitors could pull out and take home As the show pro gressed they were gradually peeled away to reveal the interior a sustainable concept en abling the shell s re use after the fair Inside the booth the focus was on the colours and materials of the linoleum con tents The ambience was dominated by the natural look of the material The central im age was an abstract cross section of a tree trunk Like annual rings lines and bands of the innovative Armstrong Naturecore flooring in various designs covered all stand surfaces The unconventional presentation of an everyday product left a strong impression pointed out the jury The shell offered tan talising glimpses to visitors from afar Gener ating a playful creative connection with the product it invited visitors into the booth There they found many surprising new takes on the everyday material www famab award de PB PRACTICE Ph ot o F am ab A w ar d Alape Auftritt Von Heine Lenz Zizka entwickelt und von Holtmann Messe Event umgesetzt Alape presence developed by Heine Lenz Zizka and realised by Holtmann Messe Event
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