T he Messe Friedrichshafen profits from the border traffic among German speaking countries We get a strong amount of attendance from Switzer land Austria and Liechtenstein in many of our exhibitions observes Wolfgang Köhle Up to 25 percent says the Member of the Board of Directors In particular when we have themes in our programme that are not represented to the same extent in Austria or Switzerland At traditional trade fairs such as OutDoor and Eurobike the share of ex hibitors and visitors is correspondingly high between ten and 20 percent The same ap plies to exhibitions open to the general pub lic such as Interboot Aero Klassikwelt Bo densee and Tuning World Bodensee Here too we register high attendance from the neighbouring countries reports Köhle The exhibition with the largest share of atten dance from the three neighbouring countries is Interboot It has traditionally been consid ered as a Swiss exhibition in adjacent for eign lands Exhibitors and visitors from Switzerland make up approximately 20 per cent of each category Messe Friedrichshafen profits from its geographical location The company is con sequently active in Austria Switzerland and Liechtenstein as regards promotion and sales We have partners and agencies on board with whom we work together closely ex plains Wolfgang Köhle Surveys have con firmed that the Swiss Austrians and Liecht ensteiners are especially eager to buy In ex hibitor questionnaires this insight runs like a golden thread through our exhibition pro gramme says Köhle The four country re gion is economically extremely robust and enjoys strong purchasing power He thus re gards visitors from the adjacent countries as very welcome guests at Friedrichshafen exhi bitions www messe friedrichshafen de Aside from proprietary shows the city on Lake Constance also hosts guest events Clients include the private exhibition entre preneur Paul Eberhard Schall He organises the trade fair for plastic processing Fakuma in Friedrichshafen There was a professed desire among many leading manufacturers of plastic processing technology for establishing a trade fair with international standing in southern Germany reveals the Managing Director of P E Schall from Frickenhausen The so called D A CH Region named af ter the country initials for Germany D for Deutschland Austria A and Switzerland CH for Confoederatio Helvetica surround ing Lake Constance is home to a significant number of machine tool and peripheral technology manufacturers and plastics users They are augmented by nearby countries rel evant for plastics France North Italy and Slovenia It was obvious that the venue for such an exhibition should be Friedrichs hafen Technical trade fairs after all require a sufficient potential of expert visitors in a ra dius of 300 kilometres Otherwise even a good theme will have difficulties in main taining itself for long and being able to grow declares Schall The general public ex hibition Faszination Modellbau Fascina tion Model making likewise had no compa rable competing events in the region Here too the venue of Friedrichshafen was an ob vious choice not least because of the exten sive multi country drawing area Specialised and general public exhibi tions present noticeable differences concern ing the international quality of their visitors You meet fewer foreign visitors from abroad at the specialised exhibitions on the whole remarks Paul Schall These experts howev er come to Fakuma from more than 100 countries The general public exhibition Faszination Modellbau reports a noticeably higher proportion of visitors from neighbour ing countries Yet foreign visitors from farther abroad hardly attend so that fundamentally the event can be regarded as a regional event Both of Schall s events profit from the fact that they are set in a highly technical in dustrial landscape In principal they also aim at the same target group Potential visitors are addressed on the one hand because of their profession on the other because of their private interests comments Schall The three countries corner offers significant advantages since technologies and the re lated qualified technical specialists are pres ent www schall messen de PB 26 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 1 2016 GERMANY Exhibitions in the D A CH region In June the UFI Seminar will go to Basel and thus to a multi national European region In anticipation of the event two German exhibition companies present transnational effects Ph ot o S ch al l Fakuma Es lag nahe den Messeplatz Friedrichshafen auszuwählen Fakuma It was obvious that the venue should be Friedrichshafen
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