Many growth curves from China are likewise pointing steeply upwards at least in comparison with countries of the West Lingtong Exhibition System in Changzhou is currently building a plant on an area of 120 000 sq meters The construction area is 45 000 sq meters The company s declared objective is to become the world s most influ ential stand system manufacturer Around 30 years ago Lingtong was the first company in China to launch the exploration develop ment and production of exhibition systems Today with its more than 3 000 different alu minium profiles accessories and electric dec orative elements it is the undisputed market leader in stand systems in the world s most populous country Its production is fully cer tified in accordance with international DIN standards This makes the components from Changzhou popular with demanding Euro pean stand designers The Chinese have long since proven that they can be ahead by a nose in terms of in novation Last year Lingtong developed a production method that allows the square aluminium profile to be bent in all the radii required by the customer without compres sion or rupture In 2011 the company opened its European headquarters in Dormagen am Rhein Germany under the name of LT Sys tems Europe There they do not only sell components Customers receive systems for their walls floors truss structures and dis plays exactly as they require That is cut to lengths and angles with millimetre preci sion promises LT Systems Europe Manag ing Director Marcus Faust adding We have here in the plant all the technology necessary for processing such as sawing punching drilling and milling And if need be it can be done even after office hours or on week ends www lt systems de System manufacturers usually develop their portfolios from simple to complex They build modular systems with ever larger com bination and design options out of a few ini tial modules Not so at Gilnhammer in Mait enbeth They initially manufactured purely individual pieces then added successful sys tem developments This is because the third generation family business has its origins in the traditional carpenter trade and to this day the 40 carpenters and woodworkers still make entire sets of furniture and components for exhibition stands individually Conse quently high quality single pieces walls and structures have always been Gilnhammer s specialty Yet Gilnhammer has been known to the exhibition industry for several years now on account of its stand systems the lightweight walls G19 and G40 These are characterised by a sandwich construction wherein the middle layer is made of environ mentally friendly paper honeycomb The advantages lie in their price per formance low transport weight and versa tility With just a few connectors made of metal they permit wall constructions of al most any shape and size Round walls pil lars door and window openings also belong to the portfolio The lightweight modules would not come from a firm with craftsman ship expertise if each wall element could not be individually modified A manufacturer of hand tools ordered a stand design for the Paris Air Show with seemingly freely de signed round and smooth straight walls and an encircling shutter For another customer Gilnhammer fitted a beige wall with inner cut outs that created interesting 3D effects by means of prism like shapes A bench in or ange was built into the cut out We love the challenge of realising the wishes of design ers says CEO Thomas Gilnhammer www gilnhammer de JK 71TradeFairs Internation al 6 2015 Stand auf der Paris Air Show angefertigt von Gilnhammer Wir lieben die Herausforderung Stand design at Paris Air Show made by Gilnhammer We love the challenge Ph ot o G iln ha m m er
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