opment strategy of the company and repre sents a portfolio of leading events explains the Comexposium executive Mobile Media Summit forums are a key for the future he adds During these conferences top represen tatives from brands agencies and mobile te lephony discuss the newest trends in mobile telephone technology The recently acquired network is the largest conference series for mobile media and advertising in North America It has reported dynamic growth in Europe in the last two years with confer ences taking place in Barcelona London and Cannes In September Renaud Hamaide landed another coup Comexposium purchased the events in the digital marketing ad tech iMe dia and Digital Collective With this we can optimally supplement our Mobil Media Sum mits in New York San Francisco Los Ange les Chicago London Miami Las Vegas Barcelona and Cannes explains Renaud Hamaide The firm s latest acquisition was carried out in France There works council assemblies are an attractive market with de mand stemming from public as well as pri vate companies With the purchase of France Ce Comexposium has strengthened its su premacy and can offer the industry a com prehensive offering of the most varied for mats in the entire country At present there are 54 assemblies annually in 33 French cities The theme of security will soon be ex panded to the Asian Pacific area with Milipol Comexposium will present under this label innovations in security technolo gies in Singapore from 2017 on Previously the event was present and known in Asia as GSA Global Security Asia Up to now Com exposium has held the trade fair for security technology biennially in Paris and Qatar In 2014 the firm had already acquired two US American conferences on forensics Techno Security Forensics Investigations Confer ence and Mobile Forensics World Thanks to these acquisitions we can export our com petence in the field of security to the USA and further reinforce our position in this market emphasises Renaud Hamaide To this end the company is working together with the Exposition Development Company with whom it has already cooperated in Cartes in Las Vegas Comexposium has also taken its course of expansion eastwards with the food exhibi tion Sial and the agricultural and animal show Sima Asia is one of the growth markets in the food sector On the one hand con sumers in the ASEAN states are increasingly discovering Western luxury foodstuffs says Renaud Hamaide On the other hand de mand in Europe has been growing for Asian specialties for years Comexposium has al ready profited from this development with the Sial in China Now the French organisers have set their sights on the Indonesian mar ket helped by the local exhibition organiser Krista Media The archipelago with almost 250 million inhabitants is an extremely prom ising market Between 2011 and 2015 the food sector recorded steep growth rates of over 50 per cent The first Sial Interfood Indonesia took place in Jakarta in November 2015 In 2014 the food trade fair was successfully es tablished in the Philippines Comexposium has now covered the agricultural market of the entire region from Thailand with the Sima Asean www comexposium fr KF TradeFairs Internation al 6 2015 INTERNATIONAL Comexposium kaufte im Bereich digitales Marketing die Events ad tech iMedia and Digital Collective Comexposium purchased the events in the digital marketing ad tech iMedia and Digital Collective Betriebsversammlungen sind in Frankreich ein attraktiver Markt Works council assemblies are an attractive market in France Ph ot o C om ex po si um Ph ot o C om ex po si um
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