PALEXPO INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION AND CONGRESS CENTRE GENEVA LEADER IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Palexpo SA T 41 0 22 761 11 11 www palexpo ch info palexpo ch Palexpo Water is life At Palexpo it also provides 100 renewable electricity Further growth of the MCH Group can only be achieved to a very limited extent with the development of the national exhibition port folio analyses Christian Jecker The reason is that given the exceptionally strong do mestic market position of the firm such po tential is very small The Swiss market moreover seems to already be thoroughly saturated The growth driver for us is pri marily the further expansion of services ex plains Jecker In particular for the leading exhibitions Baselworld and Art Basel The Head of Communication also emphasises the digital domain Basically the mood in the exhibition venue of Switzerland is not bad but the challenges are growing The national gener al public exhibitions are doing well thanks to the relatively high purchasing power of visi tors observes Christian Jecker Many of these events reported continued positive de velopment In contrast the situation is dif ferent at national exhibitions In addition to the aforementioned market saturation there is an increasing loss of significance of the sales market and thus of the exhibition ven ue of Switzerland For internationally or es pecially for globally oriented companies Switzerland has become of an increasingly subcritical size laments Jecker This is compounded by the negative effects of the strong Swiss Franc against the Euro or other currencies such as the US dollar he says re ferring to circumstances that are not entirely simple www mch group com PB INTERNATIONAL Swissbau Switzerland gets renovated From 12 to 16 January 2016 the next Swissbau will hit the stage in Basel At the leadingSwiss trade fair for the construction industry around 1 100 exhibitors will introduce themost important innovations and industry trends The building trade after all never sleeps This impression is also conveyed by the numerous construction sites that those in Switzerland encounter every day The industry makes an annual turnover of nearly 66 billion Francs While various indicators currently point to a decline in construction activity in new buildings the issue of building will nevertheless continue to play a crucial role for the Swiss in the future Around 80 percent of buildings in the Swiss Confederation were built before 1990 They will need to be renovated and refurbished in the near future The energy transition will accelerate this development as it requires new and higher technical requirements for build ings and infrastructure This circumstance and the possibilities it offers will be the main theme in 2016 Swissbau exhibitors will present their products and services on a total of 140 000 sq meters in five areas design and planning skeleton construction and building shells building site and maintenance depot building technology and interior design 100 000 visitors from the most different industries are expected mainly professionals from the fields of planning investment construction trade real estate as well as private builders www swissbau ch
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