M arketing activities in Europe above all those of major companies will be concentrated in countries with the highest number of inhabitants such as Germany France or Italy Smaller countries such as those in Southeast Europe and other areas of the continent will feel the effects Even wealthier countries like Switzer land will increasingly be considered as of a subcritical size see page 56 This devel opment will probably become more pro nounced in the mid term In the future these smaller markets will have to develop their own regional formats The classic example is the national or local trader in the automobile sector that displays the manufacturer s prod ucts Trans national cooperation could be ex tended as well for example with exhibitions that rotate between different countries In this way exhibition markets as well as the catchment area of visitors will be regionally expanded In Eastern Europe the country with the greatest potential is Russia The political ice age and the economic crisis have left their marks on the exhibition industry Exhibitor participation will again partially decrease in 2016 in comparison to previous years even though in many cases only in regards to the size of events In the following months the effects of the economic sanctions will contin ue to be felt less than the lower oil prices and the financial difficulties of many firms In the long term the Russian economy will have to inevitably make the necessary in vestments if it does not want to fall further behind For West European exhibitors this means keeping at it in 2016 and beyond Oth erwise the Chinese will probably snatch the business away In any case the Far East will remain the dynamic hotspot of the international exhibi tion industry The foreign exhibition pro gramme 2016 of the Federal Republic of Ger many indicates where the action is 102 par ticipations of 241 will be organised in Southeast and Central Asia among them 55 in China including Hong Kong Other crucial target regions for German pavilions are Euro pean countries outside the EU 49 among them 34 in Russia in 2013 this figure was still 56 North America 25 and the Near and Middle East 24 remain popular Latin America is represented with 17 and Africa with 14 exhibition participations in approxi mately ten countries Australia Oceania will experience six German presentations With the exception of Russia there have been few fundamental changes here in the last few years PB 46 TradeFairs Internation al 6 2015 WORLDWIDE 2016 The trend confirms the trend The new year begins where the old one left off There will be few revolutionary developments while the tendencies of the recent past will intensify Messe im Expocentre in Moskau In Osteuropa bleibt Russland weiterhin das Land mit dem größten Potenzial Trade show at Expocentre Moscow In Eastern Europe the country with the greatest potential remains Russia Ph ot o E xp oc en tr e INTERNATIONAL
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