40 TradeFairs Internation al 6 2015 T he schedule of those who visit an event does not always allow for freely choosing when to travel But when you can clever planning can save you a lot of money as long as a couple of factors are kept in mind Fly Tuesday or Wednesday Flights on Tuesdays and Wednesdays are on ly half full since most people fly on other days This means there are more cheaper flights on these days In contrast planes on Mondays are full of business travellers so that there are few cheap flights The same applies to Friday afternoons when they are full of people who want to fly away for the weekend and return on Sunday afternoon Book six weeks ahead Flight prices fluctuate from the first moment they are published to the date of travel Their evolve along a curve which usually reaches its lowest point about six weeks before the date of the flight During the last four weeks before takeoff the prices rise steadily and especially sharply in the two weeks before hand Keep an eye on extra charges It is a well known maxim that you should avoid the extra charges levied by airlines The most common extra charge nowadays which more and more airlines charge is for baggage This charge is often not visible un til the traveller has already initiated the book ing process If you can reduce baggage and travel only with hand luggage then you will fly more cheaply And if you are travelling alone then it is better to forego reserving a special seat in the airplane In addition many airlines do not serve food anymore but try to sell overpriced sandwiches on board Less expensive is to bring your own from home or take advantage of special of fers at the airport Check online ticket platforms The lowest prices are not always those of fered by the airlines Many people prefer to purchase their tickets directly from the airline they are flying with In some cases they do offer tickets with special conditions on their websites that are not found anywhere else But this is very rare Normally large blocks of low priced tickets are sold to online travel agencies which then resell them at low prices Choose your airport carefully Not all airports are the same Small ones have lower taxes and charges Airlines that fly there offer lower prices Combine airlines By combining different airlines you can also save money in certain cases A flight to Lon don with Germanwings and from there di rectly to Mallorca with easyJet can be notice ably less expensive than a direct flight from Germany to Mallorca The savings of such self connect routes are often substantial so that making a comparison is always worth while Another option for lowering costs is booking the flights to and from a destination with different airlines Examine last minute offers carefully Last minute offers were popular for some time This is no longer the case When trav ellers purposefully wait to find cheap flights a few days before they plan to leave then they are often bitterly disappointed when they discover for example that six weeks be fore the flights were noticeably less expen sive The sole exceptions are special offers published in the airlines newsletters Those who register with the airline can receive last minute offers that are reserved only for this special group The top tip in one sentence The cheapest flight reservation is made two months beforehand departure on a Tuesday morning online check in only with hand luggage with a sandwich inside Dohop was founded in 2004 in Reykjavik Ice land initially as simply a flight search ma chine Today its range of services includes ex tensive worldwide search and price compari son functions for flights hotels and rental cars In December 2014 Dohop received the prize for Worldwide best price comparison website at World Travel Awards www dohop de Expert David Gunnarsson CEO Dohop Reykjavik Contact mail dohop com How can congress participants fly cheaply TFI KNOW HOW rungen bei solchen sogenannten Self con nect Verbindungen gegenüber Direktflügen sind oftmals gravierend sodass sich ein Flug vergleich in jedem Fall lohnt Eine weitere Geldbeutel schonende Option ist es den Hin und Rückflug mit verschiedenen Fluggesell schaften durchzuführen Last Minute Angebote kritisch betrachten Eine Zeit lang waren Last Minute Reisen sehr populär Dies ist inzwischen nicht mehr der Fall Wenn Reisende absichtlich warten um wenige Tage vor einem möglichen Reiseda tum günstige Flüge zu ergattern werden sie oft bitter enttäuscht etwa wenn sie hinter her feststellen dass es sechs Wochen zuvor die deutlich niedrigeren Preise gab Die ein zige Ausnahme stellen Sonderangebote in Newslettern der Fluggesellschaften dar Wer sich bei der Airline dafür registriert kann Last Minute Angebote erhalten die nur die sem speziellen Teilnehmerkreis vorbehalten sind Der Top Tipp in einem Satz Die günstigste Flugbuchung gibt es mit zwei Monaten Vorlauf Abflug am Dienstagmor gen Online Check in mit nur einem Stück Handgepäck das ein Sandwich enthält Dohop wurde 2004 in Reykjavik Island zu nächst als einfache Flugsuchmaschine ge gründet Heute umfasst das Leistungsspek trum umfassende weltweite Such und Preis vergleichsfunktionen für Flüge Hotels und Mietwagen Im Dezember 2014 erhielt Dohop die Auszeichnung als Weltweit führende Flugpreisvergleich Webseite bei den World Travel Awards www dohop de
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