visitors All the more so for those in the re gional vicinity of the venue For example France The Catalan metropolis is easy to reach by TGV and various non stop flights from the neighbouring country Many buy ers from France will probably take advantage of the short trip to Barcelona this year And on the supplier side over 250 French exhibitors will be taking part in ibtm world Some have had a presence there since time immemorial such as Lyon Convention Bureau Its Director Valérie Ducaud points out that the bureau has been exhibiting at the fair right from the start It is a place where you can meet customers from all over the world in three days she ex plains This makes it possible to renew exist ing contacts and initiate new business Al ready the MICE sector and business activities account for twelve per cent of all incoming travel to France and the figure is rising Valérie Ducaud has a further argument for the participation of Lyon Convention Bu reau in ibtm The fair allows you to observe how rival exhibitors are selling their meeting destinations Other industry pros also see the MICE event in Barcelona as an important fo rum to discuss trends One of these pros is Rob Davidson As part of the ibtm world knowledge programme he will reveal the cur rent developments and needs of organisers on the first and third days of the fair The in dustry analyst says that the general situation in the events industry is favourable Key in dicators such as attendance budgets and rev enues continue to remain positive However the outlook for the industry varies in differ ent markets depending on the region s eco nomic situation Davidson singles out the USA as a growth market with almost 100 000 new hotel rooms added in 2015 As demand for meetings continues to grow the US is currently experiencing a supplier market with pricing power set to remain in the hands of hoteliers until the second half of 2016 www ibtmworld com PB Karlsruhe Kongresse mit Kompetenz www kongress karlsruhe de Karlsruhe ist das Zentrum einer der dynamischsten Wirtschafts Wissen schafts und Forschungsregionen Europas Hier sind große Unternehmen und starke Marken zu Hause wie EnBW 1 1 und dm drogerie markt Hier boomen die Zukunftsbranchen IT Energie und Mobilität Hier sind das Karlsruher Institut für Technologie KIT drei Fraunhofer Institute das Max Rubner Institut das Bun desverfassungsgericht und der Bundesgerichtshof zu Hause Hier finden Sie die Karlsruher Messe und Kongress GmbH Die richtige Adresse für Ihren Kongress FOCUS 35TradeFairs Internation al 6 2015 Auch dieses Jahr lassen sich auf der IBTM in drei Tagen die Kunden aus aller Welt treffen This year you can again meet custo mers from all over the world in three days at IBTM Ph ot o ib tm
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