W hat makes a city liveable What products and solutions need to be designed for this purpose This question is the theme of a new event to be hosted by Messe Stuttgart at the International Congress Centre next summer Morgenstadt Urban Solutions is a joint project by Messe Stuttgart and the Fraun hofer Institute of Industrial Engineering IAO It is supported by the city of Stuttgart and the Stuttgart region From 21 to 23 June 2016 the fair will address mayors economic development agencies transport companies technology suppliers and financial services providers as well as all other players who have responsibility for designing the future of cities and major urban centres Opportuni ties possibilities and best practices in munic ipal planning will be presented and discussed at the event Scientific pioneers in the field of urban living will meet practitioners from the worlds of business and politics Today science can work out solutions for important questions about the future only with the help of indus try and society says Ulrich Kromer von Baerle We bring the partners together says the Managing Director of Messe Stuttgart And the challenges seem to be manifold ur banisation e mobility Industry 4 0 energy change demographic change and the Inter net of Things are just some of the buzz words The world is spinning faster than ever Entire industries are currently reinvent ing themselves to adapt to the future And we are increasingly aware that cities play a decisive role as central living spaces The questions about the future of urban spaces are of an interdisciplinary nature Mu nicipal planning starts with sustainable city design and green construction in addition to modern mobility and logistics manage ment Successful energy concepts can only be implemented if adjustments are made to the systems as a whole The concept of the event differs from that of a traditional fair explains Ulrich Kromer von Baerle It rests on two pillars the Morgenstadt Lounge and the Morgenstadt Congress The special thing about the Lounge is that it is divided accord ing to themes There is always one project that takes centre stage and is jointly present ed by all involved project partners on a so called theme island Visitors meet people who were involved in its realisation in a top quality ambience www messe stuttgart de morgenstadt For mid 2016 Leipziger Messe has put the protection of critical infrastructures on its agenda They are institutions and facilities that are so vital for modern societies that their incapacity or failure would have a debil itating impact on national public health safe ty or security Due to rising security require ments and specific threat scenarios the pro tection of such infrastructures is increasingly a priority The aim is to help prevent disas trous effects and improve networking be tween the players of different sectors the se curity industry and service providers For this reason Leipziger Messe is launching protekt from 22 to 23 June 2016 This is to be an an nual conference and trade exhibition for the protection of critical infrastructures As a part ner Leipziger Messe has enlisted the publish ing house SecuMedia which has been serv ing the security market for over 30 years 24 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 6 2015 GERMANY 2016 Design for modern societies In future living together will mean coping with major chal lenges Advice and support come from Messe Stuttgart and Leipziger Messe with two new events Messegeschehen in Leipzig Medizin und Logistik gehören zu den sicherheitsrelevanten Sektoren Trade fair in Leipzig health and logistics are among the security critical sectors Ph ot o L ei pz ig er M es se Kl in dt w or th
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