F or some years now PR agencies with clients from the tourism industry have used the world s largest tourism trade fair to specifically address journalists In 2007 exhi bition hall 5 3 was set up espe cially for this end This service will be further improved in the future The ITB will respond to the different needs of larger and smaller agencies with attractively priced offers and new stand packages On the one hand agen cies will continued to be offered stand space for a third of the reg ular stand price from 55 Euros for the square metre At the same time they can also rent smaller spaces from twelve to 15 sq me ters for the anniversary edition of ITB from 9 to 13 March 2016 The organisers have also put to gether two stand construction packages that offer exhibitors lower costs and less organising efforts In addition agencies can benefit from the reduced price of the so called Ad Box They re Forum for innovation With trade fairs and events we create perfect opportunities and world class services that link great ideas and people with vision worldwide www koelnmesse com World stage for the successes of today and tomorrow 19 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 6 2015 GERMANY 2016 The PR industry as exhibitor Messe Berlin wants to win over more PR agen cies and press offices for the 50th ITB Some in novations will help facilitate their exhibition participation Eine weitere Pressekonferenz Another press conference Ph ot o M es se B er lin
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