W here and how will we learn and train in future What changes can teachers expect And how can we cope with the rapid development of our fast moving information society These questions face education providers teachers and learners with equally major challenges Answers are to be found at di dacta in Cologne The world s largest fair for all fields of education will take place from 16 to 20 February 2016 It showcases all the services of well known providers of equip ment and facilities educational media and teaching materials for all training and educa tion segments In four halls of Koelnmesse around 900 exhibitors from all over Europe will feature their latest offerings from early childhood learning to further education for adults From the content aspect didacta is divid ed into five areas Early Education School University New Technologies Train ing Qualification and Ministries Institu tions Organisations In addition the educa tion summit features a wide ranging sup porting and meeting programme This under lines didacta s role as an educa tion summit for professionals and the public There will be nu merous lectures discussion rounds workshops and seminars Exhibitors representatives from the fields of business science politics and society as well as many celebrities will discuss cur rent educational policy issues The offerings of didacta 2016 in Cologne are also intended for those who make the most impor tant educational decisions the parents www didacta koeln de Three weeks earlier Messe Karlsruhe will stage an event on Learning with IT From 26 to 28 January 2016 the 24th edition of Learntec will again attract around 7 000 decision makers in the fields of human resources and IT to Karlsruhe 200 exhibitors will inform professionals about the possibilities of IT assisted learn ing The focus of Learntec 2016 is on Learning Analytics Mobile Learning Global Learning and In dustry 4 0 among other topics The accompanying congress is dedicated to the topic Future Learning Digital Learning Culture and provides answers to key ques tions How do we acquire and manage knowledge in the age of Industry 4 0 Can in novations like adaptive learning systems help enhance the learning experience Will we rather learn individually or collaboratively in future One highlight of the congress will be the lecture by biopsychologist Onur Güntürkün His topic is How does our brain learn When does it work for us when against us The title of another high calibre lec ture is Colleague Robot Germany Needs a Digital Learning Factory held by Frank Riemensperger CEO of Accenture Germany In addition to offering top notch keynote speakers the congress will focus on the themes didactics technology management specials and workshops IT assisted learning is also an effective tool for mastering the current challenges Digital media can pro vide valuable help with the integration of refugees say the experts Fast access to lan guage courses for example is a major ad vantage www learntec de PB 12 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 6 2015 GERMANY 2016 The future of learning In Karlsruhe and Cologne two trade shows with congresses next January and February will showcase the ever important topic of education Learntec and didacta Auf der Learntec geht es Ende Januar 2016 in der Messe Karlsruhe wieder um das Lernen mit IT Learntec at Messe Karlsruhe next January will again focus on learning with IT Ph ot o K M K
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