office states Heinz Schaden Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Exhibition Cen ter Salzburg and mayor of the city of Salzburg Salzburg is one of the top three ex hibition venues in Austria and is a key motor for tourism and the economy in our country The exhibitions that were the basis for the study were visited by more than 380 000 people 13 percent of total visitors approxi mately 49 500 people staying overnight at least once during their visit A total of 97 500 exhibition generated overnight stays could be measured 62 percent of them occurred in the city of Salzburg 27 7 percent of them in the region of Salzburg and 7 1 percent bene fited neighbouring Bavaria On average visi tors spent 78 Euros per overnight stay 18 7 percent of visitors also made purchases out side the exhibition grounds primarily cloth ing footwear food sweets and drinks The average purchase amounted to 208 Euros Al most 40 percent of exhibition visitors visited a restaurant outside the exhibition halls dur ing their stay There they spent an average of 41 Euros These figures clearly and unequivocally show that our economic significance goes far beyond the organising of trade fairs argues Henrik Häcker The expenditure of our visi tors and exhibitors benefits the production value creates value and stimulates employ ment for a large range of industries says the Managing Director of the Exhibition Center Salzburg For the co owner of the exhibition centre the Salzburg Chamber of Commerce Messezentrum Salzburg is as vital for Salz burg s economy as the airport And as indis pensable as functioning broadband commu nication or as important as the technical col lege the university or other infrastructures adds the Deputy Director of the Chamber of Commerce Manfred Pammer www messe zentrum salzburg at PB WIR FREUEN UNS AUF 450 Kongresse Tagungen Ausstellungen Seminare Konzerte die Messe Highlights 2015 Tiroler Hausbau Energie Messe Innsbruck 30 01 01 02 2015 Art Innsbruck 20 23 02 2015 15 Internationale Weinmesse Innsbruck 2015 27 02 01 03 2015 Tiroler Frühjahrsmesse Tiroler Autosalon Feel Good 12 15 03 2015 Euroantik Frühjahr 27 29 03 2015 Interalpin 2015 15 17 04 2015 Career Competence 29 04 2015 Wildstyle und Tatoomesse 25 26 04 2015 Tiroler Gartentage 29 31 05 2015 Freiwilligen Messe Tirol 08 05 2015 Rassehundeschau 15 16 08 2015 4 Tiroler Haustiermesse 12 13 09 2015 FAFGA alpine superior 21 24 09 2015 Innsbrucker Herbstmesse 07 11 10 2015 VISIO 2015 21 23 10 2015 9 Alpinmesse 07 08 11 2015 SENaktiv 20 22 11 2015 Stand Jänner 2015 Änderungen vorbehalten DREI STANDORTE UND EXZELLENTER SERVICE 37TradeFairs Internation al 1 2015 INTERNATIONAL Salzburg Economic Festival In two months a new economic forumwill be launched in the Mozart city theSalzburg Economic Festival Internation al top players from the business world pol itics and media will discuss on 16 and 17 April the East West issue Numerous top speakers have already confirmed their presence at the event These include per sonalities such as Tomas Sedlacek Czech economist and best selling author or Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg the former Ger many economic and defence minister Also excitedly awaited is José Manuel Barroso former Portuguese Prime Minister and President of the European Commission un til 2014 Another prominent guest will be Wolfgang Schüssel former Federal Chan cellor of Austria The organisers of the Salzburg Economic Festival are a consor tium that has existed for many years comprised of the firms Messezentrum Salzburg Reichel Business Group und Verescon All three members emphasise Austria s historic position between East and West The necessity of closer cooperation between Eastern and Western countries was also one of the key motivating factors for launching the ambitious forum www salzburg economic festival com
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