cept is based on a mix of exhibition and ac tion areas Manufacturers and suppliers will introduce new equipment for winter sports and display trends in sportswear and acces sories In addition numerous holiday and winter sports resorts will present their travel offers for the winter season 2015 2016 Food from the corresponding regions will round out the show In the future the new Chairman of Mes sen Austria wants to continue expanding co operation among the exhibition centres The exchange of ideas which is already inten sively practised in marketing or in technolo gy and infrastructure will be strengthened between exhibition project managers for in stance emphasises Werner Roher Inde pendent of where exhibition venues are lo cated they face similar challenges The shar ing of experiences can help to cope with these tasks he believes After all positive so lutions can be helpful for other venues in a corresponding relationship of trust The fact that this trust already exists is highlighted by positive examples of cooperation such as the Trends of Beauty organised by Messe Con gress Graz The cosmetics exhibition is held annually in the spring in Graz in the autumn it alternates between Vienna and Salzburg www messen austria at KF 41TradeFairs Internation al 1 2015 INTERNATIONAL System Standbau rising quality demands The Austrian exhibition construction firmSystem Standbau was able to expand itsposition as market leader in Austria in 2014 New customer acquisition and the servicing of large conferences in Vienna have contributed positively No wonder then that Rudolf Angermayr Managing Director of System Standbau Salzburg and of Vienna Ex poxx is pleased with the results In retro spect the exhibition year 2014 was marked by the selective exhibition participation of customers summarises Angermayr the past year The trend towards trade fairs continues unbroken and the quality demands of ex hibitors for the stand continued to rise in 2014 in contrast to the respective trade fair budget The economic outlook for 2015 is only cautiously optimistic reports the Man aging Director of System Standbau Howev er we are convinced that we will be able to significantly improve our position also out side of Austria thanks to our high perform ance and to our quality standards states Rudolf Angermayr confidently Crucial for his company he believes are proximity to cus tomers a highly motivated staff and their own workshops which make rapid response times possible In addition to loyal new cus tomers he expects a significant increase in turnover in 2015 from biennial Austrian exhi bitions sched uled for this year The wood and handicraft trade fair BWS for example is scheduled for this year s ex hibition calen dar just like the Power Days Austria s only exhibi tion for the electrical in stallation industry In Germany orders from the ISH in Frankfurt and the Anuga in Cologne will supplement revenues Anger mayr and his team have just closed in Janu ary another highlight the Vienna Auto Show Further tasks will follow for the Reed sub sidiary www systemstandbau at Ph ot o R ee d Ex hi bi tio ns A nd re as K ol ar ik Vienna Autoshow

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