By Phil Chung W hen I talk about India words like hope potential growth youth democracy people and energy come to mind Ever since I started working for India International Convention Expo Centre IICC venue in 2018 I have come to realise that India is growing very fast This growth is even much faster than what I have heard from many sources Nu merous reformative actions and policies geared to industry have been mobilising the country The trade show sector is definitely reaping the benefits with the volume of the industry growing around eight to ten per cent every year This is higher than India s annu al GDP growth Basically it seems that literally every sec tor is growing fast in India with the rapid and continuous development of its infra structure And there are a few sectors show ing somewhat more impressive growth ac cording to my research and personal obser vations Take space travel for instance where India is reaching for the stars As was widely promoted the programme of the state owned Indian Space Research Organi sation ISRO to send Chandrayaan 3 to the moon has been successful this August Maybe someday India can develop and even market the most competitive affordable rockets satellites and spaceships The af fordability factor in this globally competitive area will probably be spotlighted by the glob al community Such potential means that we can organ ise and develop lots of related international trade shows and conventions in India This has in turn revolutionised and gradually de veloped the respective industry be it auto motive construction manufacturing or many others More trade shows and conferences can be introduced and expanded in numer ous industries although some notable events are already taking place in major cities They range from environmental technologies through agricultural machinery and e logis tics cold chain services to the pharmaceuti cal sector which is important in India just to name a few examples YashoBhoomi IICC Dwarka New Delhi which was inaugurated by prime minister Narendra Modi is gearing up to host all these industry related trade shows and conferences We have worked with many local international associations as well as domestic global organisers to devel op relevant trade shows In this respect the YashoBhoomi IICC benefits from its prominent location It is the nearest venue from Indira Gandhi Interna tional Airport in Delhi A luxury hotel com plex offering around 4 000 rooms opened there years ago The YashoBhoomi IICC is al so ideally located at the crossing point of the newly developed Urban Extension Road II and the Dwarka Expressway All flyovers from these two major roads connect the out er entrances to the venue minimising travel times The metro station is right in front of Hall 3 Plus The city of Gurugram Gur gaon where there are numerous key Indian and international companies is not far away All India s key govern ment complexes are located there as well which is ideal for all types of trade shows and conventions at the YashoBhoomi IICC www iicc newdelhi com Phil Chung is the CEO of Kinexin Convention Management which operates the YashoBhoomi IICC 48 TradeFairs Internation al 3 4 2023 INTERNATIONAL INDIA Reaching for the stars The trade show industry on the subcontinent is growing With the recently opened YashoBhoomi IICC India now boasts a state of the art event venue Das neue YashoBhoomi IICC bereitet sich auf die Ausrich tung von Messen und Konfe renzen in vielen Branchen vor The new YashoBhoomi IICC looks forward to hosting trade shows and conferences for many industries Ph ot o Y as ho Bh oo m i I IC C
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