lich näher an den Veranstaltungstermin her an Das habe damit zu tun dass sich viele Hotels inzwischen weigerten pandemiebe dingte Stornomöglichkeiten einzuräumen Diese Flexibilität ist allerdings bei Groß messen mit höheren Preisen verbunden je nies lost many business contacts in the 2020 21 pandemic years They want to make up for this shortfall and trade fairs are a per fect solution With a few exceptions ex hibitors are manning their stands with at least the same number of people as before the crisis and some are even stocking up observe Angelica and Thomas Stäbler Perfect Meeting their company is a trade show and event services provider that makes hotel rooms available for its clients at international trade shows And not just that Attendee management is also gaining impor tance Marketing departments are being slimmed down and event activities out sourced report Angelica and Thomas Stäbler We re seeing a strong demand for full handling which includes administrative tasks such as e mail correspondence with staff He considers this a wise decision We can offer these services at a lower cost than if they were provided in house by clients Another consequence of the pandemic that Perfect Meeting sees is a change in booking behaviour among some exhibitors In the past hotel rooms would have been booked for a biennial trade show say shortly after the event had ended Now these companies are waiting to see if there isn t another pan demic looming say Angelica and Thomas Stäbler In order to be able to act flexibly if the worst comes to the worst bookings are moving much closer to the event date This has to do with the fact that many hotels are now refusing to offer pandemic related can cellation options However this flexibility means that prices during major trade shows are much higher the closer an event gets By the way Perfect Meeting is now also an official part ner of Hamburg Messe Other partners in clude Messe Frankfurt GHM Munich TSS which represents Messe München and Messe Essen in the USA and The Smarter Europe trade show www perfect meeting de PB 26 FOCUS TradeFairs Internation al 3 4 2023 näher eine Veranstaltung rückt Übrigens Perfect Meeting ist nun auch offizieller Part ner der Hamburg Messe Weitere Partner sind die Messe Frankfurt die GHM München TSS US Repräsentanz von Messe München und Messe Essen und die Messe The Smarter Europe www perfect meeting de PB TRADE FAIR SERVICES Exhibitors booking more hotel rooms Even now that the pandemic is over its effects can still be felt everywhere at least when it comes to hotel room bookings for trade fairs F irst and foremost prices have changed They have seen a huge increase say Angelica and Thomas Stäbler During the pandemic numerous hotels ran out of staff explain the two managing di rectors of Perfect Meeting from Seefeld near Munich Due to staffing shortages hotels were sometimes unable to offer all of their rooms Tighter supply is driving up prices In addition demand is growing as compa Angelica und Thomas Stäbler Das knappere Angebot und die wach sende Nachfrage treiben die Preise in die Höhe Angelica and Thomas Stäbler Shorter supply and growing demand are driving up prices Ph ot o P er fe ct M ee tin g
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